I was looking outside at the gloom, and I thought,
Why not a picture of summer. This is my grandson,
Alex. He was out in the corn and the sunflowers
last summer. This year he will be bigger and will
get to help Gma in the garden.
This year I think I will have lots of helpers in the garden.
There will be 3 big boys that will be three years old, and
Two babies that will be one.
My, my how our garden grows.
Yes, I am a very happy Gma today.
Enjoy the Lords Day in peace and safety.
"The secret of contentment is in casting all your care upon
Him and placing all your confidence in His ability to
handle it." Elisabeth Elliot
You'll also have two non-pregnant women this year! I can't wait!
I pick up some seeds for our garden at floyd's yesterday. I am going to start them inside hopefully in the next week. Mimi said I could get them in the ground around the end of Feb/beginning of March. :D
When you are anxious to get in the dirt, it seems like March is forever.
You should listen to Mimi because she can grow anything!!
Have a great day today!
LOVE your blog Kim!
I miss having a garden but more importantly the energy that it takes to maintain it! The place where we live right now is so nice...the people next door have started a veg. garden and it's nice to gaze out my bedroom window and see this tidy little garden...with the stakes stating what lays there.
I enjoy reading about your life and what the Lord is showing you...thanks for being so faithful in writing...maybe it will inspire me to keep up with mine...I hope!
Oh Colleen, Thank you for your very kind words. Gardens are a lot of work. Last year was the first one, and I wonder about my sanity as I plan another one. I hope you are doing better now, I am praying for you and thank you so much for visiting. I started this one, because my Mom was fighting cancer, she went home to be with the Lord on December 3rd. It made her happy to see what I was doing, so now, it is different, I still do it now for the glory of the Lord. So I am so glad you found it.
You and Barbara still need to make plans to visit. :)
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