Today finally feels like fall. I am noticing a few of the trees starting to change. Its even cloudy, so its a perfect Saturday. My goodness I was gone almost six weeks. I did think, maybe I should just wait until October and skip September all together. I can't believe that September is just racing by.
It was a lovely summer. The garden was fantastic. I was able to put up so much food. We drove up to Northern California and we saw Ben and Megan and the boys. It was a lovely time.
They have grown so much. I think that being out there in North Carolina and getting to be boys agrees with them.
There was so much fantastic stuff to see and do. Its a long way up there from here. Its almost six hours from here. I haven't been up that way since I was a kid. It just shocks me how much water is up there.
I just loved these pumpkins. I took pictures of everything I would like to grow someday.
I managed to finish up a rug. I wanted to get it finished so I could put it out for fall.
The original pattern is by Buttermilk Basin. I wanted a bigger rug so I could put it in front of my fireplace, so I added a few things. I have had this pattern for so long.
So for the bittersweet part of this story today. I have been absent from blogging because we have been working on the house so we can sell it. We hope to get it on the market in the spring. So at this point, all I can think that this will be goodbye to my field of dreams. I wanted one last garden before I leave. It was a nice way to shut that door. We will continue to get the house ready for the next person who lives here and I hope they will love it as much as we have loved it. With the our grand children living in different states, we think that its time to be more mobile. To just be able to jump on a plane and go to them when we can. To not miss birthdays and all of that jazz.
I have thought and thought and prayed and prayed, and we both figure that this is the best time to down size. A house is just a house. It takes people to make it a home. This is a family house and it really makes me sad now that its not filled with people who will slam doors, and run upstairs and swim in the pool and run and climb trees. Now that I have told you, maybe I can blog more. I just couldn't sit down and write this post until today. Its not sad really, its just going to be a new adventure. Ron and I will be married 40 years in April. I think its a good time to find that promised land. A place that I don't have to worry about water, and heat and the crazy government of California.
Thank you so much for being such an important part of my life. I hope you still stop by every now and then. I will bring you along this next journey.
And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares, that infest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. |