Friday, November 30, 2018

Almost December

Greetings from My Field of Dreams.  I kept thinking about writing a blog, but that meant I would have to not have the picture of that sweet baby on my blog, and I really enjoyed seeing him every time I got on. Such a sweet little boy.

Tomorrow is December. I have been decorating for three days. I made a couple of wreaths. I have wanted to do it for years. I ran across a You Tube channel called Dollar Store Crafts. My goodness, I was mesmerized. A gal showed how to make the Christmas ball wreaths and I was hooked. The only problem was I had to go to the Dollar Store.

You ask why it that a problem? Because me and half of Bakersfield must have been watching that same You Tube channel and I had to park far away and do a bit of a walk to get to the store and then there was almost only standing room in the aisles. I always feel so sorry for those poor people behind the check stands and people were standing four or five deep waiting to buy their things. I still laugh quietly to myself and I had a arm load of things, and it was only 20 dollars.

I have always wanted one.  You know I wish on these blogs they would tell you things. Like I have glitter everywhere. Even after two showers yesterday when I went to Bible Study I still had glitter on my face. Or you have to hot glue the tops to the Christmas balls because they are made from some weird plastic that will just disintegrate in your hands if you mess with them too much.

 The first wreath I made I didn't hot glue them and I had fancy ping pong balls going every where in the kitchen and then on the front porch when I was trying to hang it. Here is my first one. I just cut the top off of a clothes hanger and it worked okay. The next time I used some heavy gauge wire I had from other projects. I used my balance ball to measure around so I could have a nice fat wreath.  (Since that is about all I use my balance ball for.)

I have a couple of patterns sitting here on my computer of things I would like to make, but I need to sit to do them and sitting has been hard for me lately. I guess I got so used to having the kids when we were in Tucson and being busy with them, I just haven't got back into my routine.
I just wanted to check in. I am going to be doing a blog for Christmas for 24 days on my other blog. The link is at the top of this blog. I am going to write about the things that mean the most to me about Christmas. I am doing this with Pom Pom
My daughter Kessie as well. It will be nice to get back into the routine of blogging again.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.

Once I might have wished for that:never to grow old.
But now I know that to stay young always is also not
to change. And that is what life's all about---changes
Going on every minute, and you never know when
something begins where it's going to take you.
---AGathering of Days, Joan W. Blos,1979

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Home From Tucson

We are finally home! Two weeks in Tucson. We spent that time with our grand children, while Mom was getting ready to have the baby. We rented a lovely house and it turned out to be just perfect. The kids had their own rooms. We had a lovely kitchen to cook in and a washer and dryer too. It had a nice backyard for the kids and because it overlooked a wash, we felt like we were out in the middle of no where which was nice.

It had lovely sunrise just about every morning. That was the closest house to us. This housing development was so pretty with these flat topped adobe looking houses. There are 120 miles of walking trails. The coyotes sang every night. The wash was full of wild life and we watched quail and lizards and even road runners.

We took the kids to the zoo and to the botanical garden. We took them on hikes and a visit to a lapidary shop. We took them out for pizza and they loved gift shops.  We went on hikes and to the park. We had ice cream.

Mom had the baby on Sunday November 4th.

He is such a tiny little guy. He weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces. He is so cuddly. He smiles all of the time and he was even chuckling to himself one day when I was holding him.

 After a whole summer of no grand kids, I enjoyed myself so much. We did finally have to come home though and its always so nice to get home. After being gone two weeks, there are so many things to get caught up on. I have been putting away all of my Halloween things and getting out my turkeys. When we left it was still summer here. When we got back yesterday, it was suddenly fall. It was cold when we got home. It changed so fast.

  They are quite a crew.

It was so nice to finally sleep in my own bed last night. Though we forgot to set our clock back in the bedroom, so we got up at 3:30. We are still on Arizona time.

I will get caught up with your blogs. Blogging by phone if different.


"November was a month of massive extremes. We went from 70-degree temperatures in November to six days where it never got above freezing a couple weeks later. "   

Paul Head