The blue of heaven is larger than the clouds. | |
I gave up and went back to old blogger. I did try to learn it but so many bugs are in it I think. So back for the third time to try and write a post. Happy Sunday! Its August here, 112, humid, all of those things that make August the longest month. But then of course, we have the best months coming up. September,October and November. I didn't add December, because I think we should change the name of December to Blur. It just flies by, then January shows up, but I think after 2020 we will celebrate 2021 with joy. Don't you think?
This was going to be a future Bonsai, but since I am so flower deprived, Ron has loaned it to me. Isn't it gorgeous. It makes me so happy out in the yard. We always bring it in the house in the winter because it just doesn't do well in the cold but it loves heat. Its a Bougainvillea.

I was going to start talking about the house, but since this post starts with Ron's trees, I thought I would show you some of the ones he has that he brought with us. This is a Cork Elm. Isn't it beautiful. One thing they never tell you when you buy a Bonsai in a store, is they are trees. They need to be outside. That is why they die so fast in the house. You can take them out and put them in a bonsai pot so they look all cool for show, but they won't be happy. They want to be a tree. All the things I watch Ron do to keep them small, like unpotting them and trimming roots. I don't think I would ever do Bonsai, I love watching Ron work with them, but too many bugs live in them, spiders are always jumping out at him. Just not for me.

This is part of the ones that he brought here. Its a nice place for them. He has put the bigger ones in the front flowerbed. We live in a north facing house so his Japanese Maples love it. I would have taken more pictures but the dog next door was barking at me. It is a problem child. I think its a Pomeranian. The day we moved here, Sasha barked at it, I told Sasha, "No, don't bark at that hoodlum." She looked up at me and has never barked at that dog again. Even when I have whispered in her ear, "go ahead and bark, its okay." She doesn't. That poor man and woman, have tried to stop her from barking, (she just doesn't listen.) I just smirk, because I know who has the smarter dog. (Border Collies Forever!!)

We bought a new Tragger. When we moved here I was lost. Our old one broke about April. So one of the things we said we would buy when we moved was a new one. I felt like my life was back on track when we got one of these and we hung the wind chimes. I know weird but those are the things that make me feel like I am at home.
We also bought new bar stools. I love these. Its been so nice to decorate and play house again. Being in limbo from last July until this July was hard. Now I feel like all I do it rearrange and clean and its been so much fun. Even when I first went to Kindergarten. When the play house in the corner of the class room just got out of hand the teacher would ask me if I wanted to play in the playhouse. I always said yes, and even then my favorite thing was cleaning and putting everything in order. I just can't do clutter. If I am going to hook or sew, I can never pick up a hook or a needle unless my house is clean.

I wanted to show you the arches in this house. We have really tall ceilings and really tall arches for the doorways. I love the curves and I just love how this looks in the master bedroom. I love this bedroom. In 40 years, I have never had a really pretty bedroom. I want this one to be a pretty room. Our old house had a pretty bedroom but one whole wall was windows and french doors, but it wasn't big like this one. I think that is what I like about it. So I am thinking and thinking about what I am going to do to make it really pretty.
Here of course is the fireplace. Again. I just can't begin decorating for fall just yet. So I keep moving stuff, but come September, this is going to look like a fall explosion happened. I found out today the brick color is called Old Chicago. I love that color.

I took this picture because I wanted to show you how pretty the kitchen looks not to mention that very interesting light fixture. I still can't figure out if I like it or not. There are so many things I would like to do, that this just isn't a big priority. I planted sunflowers in those pots outside. All of the sunflowers are coming up. We also have a large finch population so I am sure they will be very happy when the sunflowers are finally growing. We have lots of dove and hummingbirds, crows and a few bluejays. They are not in control yet. There are some mockingbirds but they are still outnumbered by the doves so it seems pretty peaceful around here. Not like the war zone at the other house. There was always lots of bird fights going on.
Here is the little I have worked on this week, I did finish that flower. This is a really big rug. Its so nice to be hooking again. I have to work on it using my floor frame. I have missed hooking.
I just had to share this picture of our oldest son Ben. He loves his turkeys. I knew he would. We are waiting for his next baby to be born any time. It will be number 12 for us and number 5 for them. He has worked so hard this year to get a home for his family. We are very proud of them.
So that's it for me. Its taken me far to long to write this post. I found out that I can't upload pictures unless I am in Google Chrome. I seem to never remember than until I have written posts and none of my pictures will load.
I hope your day is a great one.
“The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.” (Jane Hirshfield)