I know I am a bit late for Patrice's Chat's on the Farmhouse Porch.
I thought I would be getting to visit today earlier than this but
today the day just seemed to get away from me. It could
be that it is so gloomy it has felt like it has been dark all day.
So here we go.
1. What's your favorite day of the week? Why?
I like Thursdays best. We finish our bookwork on Thursdays and I get my house and my laundry all finished on Thursdays and it just seems like a nice way to start Friday. We always have other things to do on Fridays like music lessons and I run errands, but Thursdays, Peter and I just enjoy school with no pressing deadlines.
2. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
I like "Scrooge" with George C. Scott or "The Muppet's Christmas." I do like "While you Were Sleeping" and "Sleepless in Seattle". All of these I watch every year. I would like to try for all of the" Lord of the Rings," extended this year but who knows, I know you asked for my favorite, but these are my favorites.
3. Is there a Christmas Carol that's special to you?
Every year for Christmas my son Elliot learns a Christmas Carol on the piano for me, He learned
"What child is this" one year which is a favorite and then he learned the" Carol of the Bells." This year I have heard him practicing "Wizards in Winter", so it is what he gives me each year for Christmas so I always love each song he gives me each year.

4. Is there an art or craft that you'd love to be able to do?
I am currently doing all of the ones I wanted to so badly for years and years.
I love the rug hooking and the counted cross stitch. I love my saw outside for wood working and I love growing gardens. I have chickens. Nope I have to say that right now I am doing pretty much what I always dreamed of.
5. Do you have a live Christmas tree or an artificial one?
We have a fake tree. It took my family years to get me to get one, but the last one we had was so dry and crispy that I was afraid to turn on the lights after Christmas Eve. We went down and bought a beautiful fake tree and I love that the lights just plug in on the trunk.
I do miss the smell but I am thinking I will go cut limbs this year and use them so I can have the smell of pine in the house.
Thanks to Patrice for coming up with interesting questions each week.
If you want to join in Visit EverydayRurality.
Have a great Thursday!