I was thinking today, now that Thanksgiving is over, how
do I go about letting Thanksgiving be a habit of my life. I
thought well first I must give thanks for even the things I am
not wild about like being sick. Yep, I came down with a horrible cold.
But to give thanks, I can say that I am thankful there if food in the
fridge, and I don't have to cook.
I am always reminded of 10 years ago today. We were in the midst
of building this house. People were not buying houses in light of 911.
We had a house that had been on the market for 6 months and this
one was almost finished.
My house is town was the prettiest house to decorate in the winter.
For me it had it problems but it was not my husband idea of anything
he wanted. He wanted land and as I had inherited this he was ready
to move. I wasn't.
On this day, 10 years ago, we had been out here to check on things. I was sick about
leaving my pretty house is town and moving out here. We went home
and I went outside to watch the sunset. I had to go stand in a side of
our yard to see the setting sun and as I watched it I was crying. I looked in the window
there was a fire in the fireplace, the kids were much younger they were playing on the floor and it was warm and inviting. I was outside looking in.

I shook myself and made me go inside and as I hadn't done devotions
yet I thought I would do them in front of the fire. I always keep my devotional
materials in a basket so I can carry them where ever I go.
I picked up the first one and on the page for this day it read. "How long will
thou mourn?...fill thy lamp with oil, and go. I will send thee... I have provided...
(-1 Samuel 16:1)
I jumped like I had been hit with a cattle prod. This verse was all true too, in about 2 weeks.
before Christmas that year the house was sold, we never made two house-payments,
God sent the right people for our house, they went on to have 6 kids too.
This house is pretty when it is decorated and I have been so blessed.

So life is like that I think, I get so caught up in looking what is in front of me,
I forget to lift my eyes and see all of the beauty that is around me. I am not saying
it was ever easy, it wasn't but if I quit whining and moaning, God has blessed
me over and over beyond my wildest dreams.
I just had to share this as I was walking around tonight watching the sunset thinking
about how 10 years ago I was different. I am so glad I am right here in this place.
Blessings from me to you,
thank you for sharing this. it gives hope when we get too mired down in our own business and worries to see the bigger picture. :)
This is such a good reminder to us all, Kim. Thank you for sharing your story.
I was touched by your story. I know that I often forget to "lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord."
Good post. Makes me think of the saying, "You can't see the forest from the trees." In my case, it's usually one tree that I'm standing right in front of while whining!
That's a lovely story, Kim!
We DO change. Whew! I'm so glad He changes us.
every experience is necessary....to bring us to where we are today!! xo
Absolutely yes! Amen! Don't you love it when He outdoes your best hopes?!!
You sound just like me! I was sad to sell our last two houses. The first was a family home...my grammy and daddy grew up there. I was heartbroken. The next house was beautiful...everything I'd ever dreamed of in a house. I didn't think I could find a place I loved more. But, then, my husband wasn't happy in that house...wanted more land and space. So here we are in NH in the home of our dreams. God does have a plan for us, doesn't He?
Blessings and Hugs
Aww, I'm glad you posted this. We never know what blessings are around the corner for us, we just need to be open to change. I'll email you later when the Saturday chores are done.
Kim :)
Hi Kim, I like your idea of keeping your devotional in a basket. I used to sit first thing in the morning and read a passage in my my Bible and just sit in silence for a whole hour and sooner or later, God would reach my heart and give me some awesome insights. Then I would journal. It's amazing how awesome God made us. We have so much to be thankful for. I have a stack of daily journals in my closet and then I started to work at the farm and now time seems to be filled with other time consuming roadblocks and I have little by little abandoned my journaling.
Thanks for reminding me. Gratitude is so very important. Hugs. JB
Kim, I am sorry to hear you have a cold, I had mine about two weeks ago, and hope it is the last for this season. ~smile~
I so enjoyed reading of your adjustment to your new home, it was 11 yrs, ago this month that we moved here to the farm, and boy how glad I was. We had farmed this land for years and I dearly loved the peace and quiet I found when I was working over here. Just today as dh and I took a break from decorating the porch, we were talking and being so thankful for how God gave us this place. I am amazed at how God is always working for my good, even when I don't know it.~smile~
As I visit and read of your posts, I hear the voice of a very happy and contented woman. You and I are so much alike,... and I like that.~smile~
Take care of that cold, and get plenty of rest!
Thank you for your sweet words on my post today, You are such a dear friend and I love you so.
Hi there, Thank you for sharing this; I have found that the more I purposely give thanks for all things, it becomes easier to do. I loved hearing your story of the two houses and how the Lord sold your old one. God is so good, rich in Mercy and abundant grace.
Hugs today and feel better soon.
A wonderful lesson that we could all benefit from learning. I love the way you presented the whole story- in a very uplifting and inspiring way.
Is that yellow tree a Ginkgo Tree? Those are the most beautiful trees, and their leaves stay yellow when they fall on the ground. They are my second favorite after sugar maples.
Thanks for sharing that devotional, we are in a similar situation. We have been in our house eleven years and now are expecting our second child. I know the time is coming when this house will be too small, but I am emotionally attached to it. I have touched every square inch of it and worry about the day when I will have to let it go. It is our first house and we have a lot of memories here. Your testimony helped.
oh Kim...I always get choked up when reading your blog...love what you share with us.
Well, I certainly was led to your site tonight as your post was just what I needed to hear....I have some similar changes going on and your words were so encouraging and reminded me that God has always provided in better ways than I was hoping for just as He did for you.....
I hope your cold is better soon.....I love visiting with you....
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