This is week,three of A Child Like Christmas.
Pom Pom has some very nice friends and I enjoy
getting to take part in this.
This is what I thought about for A Childlike Christmas today, so I remember
that Christmas isn't about what is under the tree, but about
a baby's birth.
The other day I was listening to some Christmas music. This song by Jennifer Knapp
came on my play list, called Sing Mary Sing. The words are this,
Mary Had A Baby Born In A Manger
Mary What To Do, Mary What To Do?
Before The Vow Was Made,
In Her Belly Laid The King

I have heard that song a million times, but I never really heard the words.
Why did I that day I don't know, but I kept going back and listening to it
over and over.
It had never clicked for me like this, Mary was an unwed mother. The
God who spoke the worlds and they came into being. Gave his son to a unwed mother,
I always think about the virgin part but not that she wasn't married to Joesph yet.
I started thinking about how that must have got tongues talking, how
Jesus grew up with whispers," Hey, you know who that kid is don't you? "
"Remember his Mother?"

Do you ever think about how Mary was really important? Not only did
God pick her to be the mother of Jesus. She says to Gabriel " Behold, the bond slave
of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.
(Luke 1:38)
Do you know what a bond slave is? It is one who person in a state of slavery; one whose person and liberty are subjected to the authority of a master.
I love that she had that attitude. She put all that she was at the disposal of the Lord to take
every thing she was and who she was to be a home for a baby.
She pondered the things Anna and Simeon said when they took him to the temple
to be dedicated when Jesus was 8 days old. She stored them in her heart.

She was at the foot of the cross and she was at the empty tomb. Jesus gave her
into the care of John the beloved. I always thought it was interesting that John
was maybe the last disciple to die, so maybe he didn't die until after his work
taking care of Mary was done.
She always does the right thing. She travels on a donkey, 9 months pregnant.
She always waits on the Lord, like when Joesph is going to put her away quietly.
We are not shown a picture of a girl wringing her hands and crying, I see her as
waiting on God and God sends a angel to explain to Joesph just how it is.

Oh I do forget myself, she does, chide Jesus when he had been missing 3 days, but
what I love is she is a mother. She does what any Mom would do, she says, " Your
father and I were worried about you.
What I love about Mary is that God chose her from the beginning of time to be the mother
of His son, but what I love is her very humanness that we are given glimpses of in the pages
of the Bible.
My favorite Christmases were always the ones that I was with child. There was always
such a sweetness knowing that for just a while I had a baby too. It seemed to make all of the
passages about God caring for his flock speak very loudly to me.
I think that to have a Child like Christmas is to remember what child's birth we celebrate.
Thank you to Pom Pom for helping me to remember too.
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