I thought it looks sort of bright like a glowing ember.
We have a New Year upon us. I was thinking as I walked
about this post and this is what I came up with.
A New Path For A New Year

We worked out in the pasture today and got it all cleaned up,
and put to bed. We haven't been able to get out there because of
the rain and we had a lull in rain and the dirt was perfect so
not me of course I don't know how to drive a tractor, I took pictures.
I was thinking that no one really thinks about how precious dirt is, but
it is without proper care you can end up with the Sahara Desert.
I always feel like if you take care of your dirt it will take care of you.
So we try to take care of our dirt and keep her clean and weed free.
We try to put the nutrients back in, I live in California because my
forefathers fled the dust bowl which was a example of poor soil management.
So some before and after pictures: Before plowing.

And after plowed.

I enjoy having a clean house, but I really enjoy having a clean field.
I always tell people we didn't move out here for the house, we moved
out here for the dirt. I love my dirt. I have some patches of clay but
most of it is sandy river bottom that has excellent drainage.

Of course, my favorite farmer.
So, since it is a New Year, I thought I would share
some Resolutions:
1. Chickens are looking a bit plump, they need a bit more exercise.
2. The dog is looking a bit plump, she needs a bit more exercise.
3. Everything else that looks a bit plump will remain nameless.
4. Enjoy life, worry less, love more, and laugh all of the time.
Happy New Year my dear, dear friends, You have blessed my life
far more than you will ever know and you have given me so much joy
I thank God for all of my remembrance of you. May He shower
His love, His blessings and His mercy in every area of your life in
" Lord, give to me a quiet heart
that does not ask to understand,
But confident steps forward in
The darkness guided by Thy hand."
(Keep a Quiet Hear, p. 12)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding:
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
(Proverbs 3:5-6)