Right before Christmas, My Pet Chicken had a picture
of a chicken purse. I really, really wanted a chicken purse.
So my husband and my daughter got it for me. Isn't it just great?

Doesn't it have a great face? Today my daughter was over and she
wanted to see it since she didn't get to see it at Christmas, so I got it out.
My daughter got the little change purse for me that goes with it. It is a tiny little
chicken. I showed my grand daughter and she, I can tell is going to be a chicken
lover too.
I was holding her in my lap, and she fell asleep, holding the
little chicken purse. I am going to have to get one for her too.
This morning we watched our grandsons so Momma could
go to the doctor. They got to play outside with things boys
like to play with, wood, old sprinkler parts, big sticks. They
went down to Grama Kim's shed and were jumping off a bench
that I have sitting outside of it. I loved this picture.
They are such boys, and they remind me so much of their Dad.
The youngest baby now is just starting to crawl. She
loves Sasha. Sasha puts up with it all.
Sasha just gives kisses and never moves away. She has
since she was a puppy treated the kids like they are hers.
She will just shut her eyes if they get too rough, but she always
stays with them like she is guarding sheep.
Best dog I have ever owned. Bar none and I have always had dogs.
I realize now that I didn't get a picture of our oldest grandson. He was
playing a game with my son and son-in-law. He is four, and he beat them.
It was so funny. He was so happy and excited. He left asking if he and his Dad
and Mom could play it at home.
It was a good day. Busy, but a good day. Tonight when I fall into bed it will be with
a happy, and contented heart.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, I always wonder every year since I can remember,
will I be strong enough for next year's challenges, and I always have to say to myself,
Nope I am not, but God is and I know with that, I will be able to sleep.
I just wish I didn't have to always be reminded.
I will tell you one thing I have learned in 2011, which I will not repeat in 2012, it is
I will keep my mouth shut, and when I think I can post a comment on someones site
that made me so mad that I was shaking by the time I finished leaving a comment,
maybe it is best to hit delete. Because well you know, somethings are just better left
unsaid, even if they are true.
Aw, the lessons learned.
Have a wonderful New Year my dear friends.