I am taking part again this week with Pom Pom and
her Childlike Christmas.
We watched Scrooge on Sunday night and as I watched it
I noticed that stories we love, are a bit bittersweet. Think of
It's A Wonderful Life, George was going to commit suicide
because he thought that would be a way to save his family.
Yet, that movie touches us deeply.
I have a story and it is bittersweet too. It does have a good ending
I will tell you upfront so you don't quit reading.

This Christmas I am going to share with you is one that
still colors my holidays to this day. Every year I work
myself so hard so that my children can have a magic kind
of Christmas.
My story starts at the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
That Sunday morning my Dad was using a old Ford tractor
improperly. Because in those days tractors didn't have roll bars
the tractor turned over pinning my Dad and my brother underneath it.
My brother was not yet three. We had both been riding on it went it went
over, because my brother was holding on the the steering wheel, my Dad threw
me clear, but he couldn't get my brother off in time.
My Dad's arm was crushed and my brother's neck was broken. He was also
The doctor that was called in told my Mom he wasn't going to do anything because
it was no life for a kid to be in a wheel chair, so it was better to let him die.
But as always in stories sometimes, there was a young doctor, fresh out of
medical school who asked my Mom if he could try some things.
My Mom said yes.
So my Mom had her husband in surgery trying to pin his arm together and my
brother having a new kind of surgery that no one had tried before.
My Dad was self employed. My Mom was a stay at home mom. Christmas
was coming. My Mom told me and my tiny sister not to expect any Christmas
that year because there was no money.
I had wanted a Barbie doll because they were all the rage and a sewing machine
so I could make her clothes. I didn't tell her though. I was afraid I was being
greedy. I prayed though.
We had no money and no food. I know we must have eaten at my grand mothers house.
Because we were there so much because my Mom was at the hospital all of the time.
On a Saturday before Christmas the man who leased the produce department to my
Dad came to our house. He came in the door and he brought bag after bag of food.
More food than I have ever seen in my life. My Mom stood there weeping. Then
he gave her a huge stack of money.
She said" I can't take that, Bill" and she said"I have no way to pay you back." Then he looked at
me sitting there and said," don't take it for me take it for these kids. They need Christmas."
My Dad was able to come home just a bit before Christmas Day. His arm in a sling and
a cast. We had no Christmas tree and I don't know how but one showed up the next morning.
It was so tiny, we put it on a box and Mom put a white sheet around it to cover it.
Dad told me to pretend it was snow.
Then he said, " Next year Kim, you can pick out the biggest tree of all."
I really didn't expect Christmas packages that year. But Christmas morning,
I went in and under the tree were three packages for me and some for my
sister. I didn't get a Barbie, I got Midge, that was okay No one had Midge. :)
I got a box with a dress in it for her and a sewing machine. I was so happy.
Someone knew what I had wanted.

Now of course as Paul Harvey said, "Here is the rest
of the story."
My brother came home from the hospital, he walked
again, who is going to tell a 3 year old he can't walk.
I did get to pick out the biggest Christmas tree the next
year, so big they had to cut off lots from the top and bottom.
To this day, I still always get the biggest tree I can find.
And you know, that man who gave us the food and money.
He was known as a modern day Scrooge. But not that
year, the year I watched I saw a Jesus.
I just thought I would share this today,
it always reminds me of what Christmas is about.
Just making one person's day a bit brighter.
I never knew that Bill Cash did that and that you got Midge that year. I am glad you posted that. I also did not know it was this time of year when all of that happened. I guess I was too little. Of course I cannot remember what was under that tree for me but I know Momma would have made it as wonderful as what you got. Some Christmas Grandpa Sam sent me a beautiful Teddy Bear but I do not know which one. Love you and hope your December and Christmas are all you dream them to be. Your Sister.
thank you for the uplift.
(and my sister had a midge too!)
Kim, I started crying as soon as the tractor tipped over. How wonderful of that man to do that for your family. Wow, what an amaazing story.
A wonderful story - memories to be cherished.
I was crying for such tragedy then crying for the joy. Thank you so much for sharing this heartwarming story from your life. *HUGS*
That is such a beautiful story. I am so sorry for that accident but grateful for the blessings that were brought to your family that year. This is so touching. It just goes to show there are angels all around us. Sometimes those with the crunchiest outsides have the softest insides. :)
I'm here from Patrice's Farmhouse Chat. I hope that you have a wonderful day!
Thanks you for this wonderful post.
What a touching story.Hugs Cheri
Kim, who could top that special Christmas story. Very heart warming and it parallels with all the best classic Christmas stories. Thanks for sharing this. I'm so glad that your story had a happy ending. JB
I'm reading this and crying like a baby! What a story. Pass the Kleenex, please. How precious!
What a touching story...thank-you for sharing!
Hi Kim, I have dropped by several times but don't always comment(I know, bad me)because life has been so busy. Today I have to tell you what a wonderful testimony this is of the Lord meeting those needs and providing for your family. Thanks for sharing with us.
Blessings on your day.
Hugs, Noreen
I LOVE this story. How wonderful to look back and remember and also to see God's faithfulness in all of your lives, then and now.
LOVE this!!
Hi Kim!
What an incredible story you tell today!
You are so kind because you have not forgotten about gestures of kindness that came your way.
What a wonderful story!
Thank you for sharing your story because it has encouraged all of us.....Amazing God we serve.....
Thanks for some Thankfulness, Blessings and Hope
I came by to read your answers to Patrice's questions for this week. I'm so glad you had this posted! That has got to be the most heartwarming story I've ever heard in my entire life! I'm so glad you shared it. And I hope you continue sharing it through the years. I'm sure it will touch so very many people. Just like it did me.
Kim! This is an absolutely amazing and beautiful miraculous story! Thank you for sharing it....you made my day a bit brighter and my heart lighter!!
Thank you so much...I, too, am in tears at the sweetness of our Lord and all the good He can bring out of the trials and suffering that the world is full of. Glory to His wonderful name!
That touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I feel blessed to have read your wonderful Christmas story, and I mean that. Truly.
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