Right before Christmas, My Pet Chicken had a picture
of a chicken purse. I really, really wanted a chicken purse.
So my husband and my daughter got it for me. Isn't it just great?

Doesn't it have a great face? Today my daughter was over and she
wanted to see it since she didn't get to see it at Christmas, so I got it out.
My daughter got the little change purse for me that goes with it. It is a tiny little
chicken. I showed my grand daughter and she, I can tell is going to be a chicken
lover too.
I was holding her in my lap, and she fell asleep, holding the
little chicken purse. I am going to have to get one for her too.
This morning we watched our grandsons so Momma could
go to the doctor. They got to play outside with things boys
like to play with, wood, old sprinkler parts, big sticks. They
went down to Grama Kim's shed and were jumping off a bench
that I have sitting outside of it. I loved this picture.
They are such boys, and they remind me so much of their Dad.
The youngest baby now is just starting to crawl. She
loves Sasha. Sasha puts up with it all.
Sasha just gives kisses and never moves away. She has
since she was a puppy treated the kids like they are hers.
She will just shut her eyes if they get too rough, but she always
stays with them like she is guarding sheep.
Best dog I have ever owned. Bar none and I have always had dogs.
I realize now that I didn't get a picture of our oldest grandson. He was
playing a game with my son and son-in-law. He is four, and he beat them.
It was so funny. He was so happy and excited. He left asking if he and his Dad
and Mom could play it at home.
It was a good day. Busy, but a good day. Tonight when I fall into bed it will be with
a happy, and contented heart.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, I always wonder every year since I can remember,
will I be strong enough for next year's challenges, and I always have to say to myself,
Nope I am not, but God is and I know with that, I will be able to sleep.
I just wish I didn't have to always be reminded.
I will tell you one thing I have learned in 2011, which I will not repeat in 2012, it is
I will keep my mouth shut, and when I think I can post a comment on someones site
that made me so mad that I was shaking by the time I finished leaving a comment,
maybe it is best to hit delete. Because well you know, somethings are just better left
unsaid, even if they are true.
Aw, the lessons learned.
Have a wonderful New Year my dear friends.
Oh girlfriend you got a chicken purse! don't ya just love her! You must name her. We are destined to meet, it may not be till we are old ladies, but we shall stroll arm in arm with our wonderful purses over our arms and not a head will turn. Love those grandchildren, I noticed one wee one with a little chick tucked safely in his arm. Happy New Year, blessings from Maine, Julie.
i do love it kim, it's so you!! beautiful little ones, you are so blessed....i don't have any yet!!
Love, Love the chicken purse...so neat to see your grand daughter love the little purse....like grandma like granddaughter......
Your grandkids are so precious....Yes we are tired when we have them but it's such a good tired....
Happy 2012....
I'm so glad you got a chicken purse! I love it and you will look so cute strutting into town with that on your arm ;)
The kiddies are so cute - those boys look like they were just doing something mischievous.
Wow, you got those pictures up fast! What great action shots! I love that chicken purse. :-)
Haha! I didn't know you actually got the chicken purse! That's awesome.
Aw, a granddaughter after Grandma's own heart...how sweet she looks there holding the little chicken :)
I was looking over your past few posts, and just wanted to say that I use the new editor. I accidentally switched to it about a year or so ago, but once I figured it out, I liked it alot better than the old one.
You might want to make a sample blog to try things out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
Happy New Year Kim!!
Where did you get that purse!!I want one! I gots to have one!!
That purse rocks! Or clucks...well you know what I mean. Your grandkids are so cute! Wonderful ages. I hope that 2012 brings you many joys and grand adventures! I'm pleased because 2011 brought me you as a friend!
Happy New Year!
Your chicken purse is adorable!
The grandsons are adorable, too! And, by the way, I want a Sasha. What a star dog she is!
We had two granddaughters sleep over last night. I'm a little sore from sleeping with them (like sleeping with puppies!) but I can wait for them to wake up so we can have pancakes and fix their hair!
Happy New Year, Kim! I'm so glad you are my sweet friend!
So happy your family found you the perfect chicken purse!
Your grandchildren are adorable!
Oh laughing at the end...agree, when you are shaking when you comment than you probably need to delete..I hope it wasn't from one of my post, if it ever is please just email me and I will receive the loving rebuke.
Oh your personality just comes out with the chicken purse...I love it too...too funny! You lady know how to enjoy life.
Grand kids...just precious, precious, precious...and what a good tired they bring.
Happy New Year
oh my goodness, that chicken purse is cute and SOOOOO you!!! i LOVE it!!! it just makes me smile! how can it not? :)
dearie, we are flawed human beings. thank goodness God is rooting for us, or we'd never make it through this test of a life. :)
Cock-a-doodle-doo! That is one cool purse!
It fits you perfectly, Kim. I can't tell by the photo if its plastic or woven basket. But it's sweet. As is your little g'daughter with your little chnage holding chick.
Those g'boys must have had fun-they are grinning from ear-ear! They sure all resemble each other a lot.
It's good to remind ourselves that it's God's strength that carries us through all the days of our lives. I like being self sufficient, which ends up getting me into a lot of trouble at times!
Have a good new year's eve!
I love your chicken purse! The picture of the little one holding the coin purse is precious. Sasha is such a great dog. I had a dog that was just as gentle and tolerant with kids. Cute picture of the boys. Have a super 2012!
Hugs, Patrice
What a sweet family you have! And that chicken purse is to die for! I absolutely love it!
Kim, you are such a kind and wonderful person. I have so much appreciated your kindness and your faith has definitely had a positive impact over here. You helped make 2011 positive for me and I am looking forward to 2012 and the messages you have for us! Happy New Year!
Oh Kim I love your purse! But I love the pic of your grand daughter clutching the little coin purse even more....don't ya just love it when you see pieces of yourself in your sweet grands? The boys are adorable.
Happy New Year to you Kim! May it be full of God's richest blessings..
HUGS, Debbie
Kim, This is such a precious post, your grandchildren are so adorable, and yes we need to keep the love of chickens on-going., I got my love of chickens from my grandmother, and inherited hers when she moved to town.
I am still laughing at your closing thoughts, a lesson of keeping our mouth closed is one I think we all could learn. ~grinning. You are so adorable too. I truly admire you for so many reasons, some, being your love of God, family gifts and talents, and your loving friendship. I truly treasure you,.
I checked for the e-mail and it wasn't in my box, but will write you later.
I pray this will be the most blessed new year for you and your family, and I am looking forward to many more days of sharing and getting to know you even better.
Much love,
How funny to come to see the Chicken purse, and end up reading a similar post to my own. Yours is sooooooo much better with the pictures of grandkids and Sasha, and of course THE PURSES.
We are both so blessed in our families, especially the grandchildren. I couldn't deal with more than our 1 although I can honestly envy you the whole batch of yours! Agreeing that the boys look like they are hatching a plan. Livvie gets a similar look, that I call Monkey Britches... How wonderful to fall into bed at the end of even a few hours shared with young ones.
You need not delete any comment at my blog, if we don't agree, we're both adults, and friends, and even if we have the last conversation with differing opinions we can fly the flag of honesty without fear.
Your positivity and faith are honest yet never failing. One of the reasons we all love you so much! Jo
Oh my goodness! I've never seen a chicken purse before today. Cute! And the lil coin purse is too. Such fun to play with the Littles, isn't it? These are wonderful days.
Oh, that purse is wonderful! Hilarious!
And what a lesson to learn for 2012... I could do with learning to keep this trap shut more often too
Have a very Happy New Year, and many, many blessings for this coming year x
Hi Kim, I loved seeing your chicken purse-I've never seen anything like it at all. Your grands are so adorable and you are blessed to have land for them to play on. Loved your Sasha-I always wanted a Border but hubby hates shedding, so our next dog will have poodle in it. I'm sure your comment wasn't bad but I need this lesson too.
Have a joyous and blessed New Years and a rich year filled with His Goodness.
Hugs, Noreen
Kim - I love that chicken purse and the pictures of your grandkids. I hope to be posting pictures of my first in the coming year!
What a really cute purse! Your Sasha looks like my prodigal son, Jake; he comes and goes according to his hunger level and if he wants to sleep inside at night.
Happy New Year; may the worst of 2012 be from the best of 2011 from Thistle Cove Farm.
Dear Kim, I'm finally getting around to leaving a comment on your blog before I turn into a pumpkin. This has been a crazy busy week and I want you to know that I've read your previous blog post and I enjoy your photos, especially that bee on the sunflower. They are both amazing creations aren't they?
Also I always look forward to seeing that little sunflower icon popping up on my blog. You bring such sunshine in my life and you sooth my soul. Your grandkids are all so lovely. I wish you continued blessings in the new year. Health, love, joy and peace.
Hugs, Julia
I hope to be less busy as soon as the birthing slows down. I got another calf this evening, making it 8 calves in 7 days.
Oh that little chicken purse rocks. I bet that heads will turn for a second look. JB
ohmy...I LOVE that chicken purse! I must have missed this post...how fun for you! Goofy and fun.
Oh, that is so cute! I love your chicken purse. Happy New Year! Enjoy those kids - and your purse.
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