Happy Tuesday!!! How are you today? Have you been busy getting things done for Christmas? I always think Christmas begins with a sprint. I turn that calendar page over and then everything is a blur. Though this year I made up my mind, no more running. Things always get done, packages always get wrapped. Food gets cooked and nothing mattered that didn't get done. I do this all to myself, so I can blame no one.
I don't know when it changed. When I was young, our emphasis wasn't about gifts, but about the people and how we would have a wonderful meal and we would all be together. My Mom had a rule, we could ask for three things. Something we needed, something we wanted and something others could get us. I found one of my Mom's old Christmas lists in a old purse I have of hers. My list was a leather purse, an Anne of Green Gables book and a Raggedy Ann doll. My grandmother got me the book. I wish I still had the purse. I do have the Raggedy Ann doll. It was a lovely Christmas.
The next year she was gone and that Christmas was awful. Just awful. Mom had died in September and by December my Dad had a girlfriend.
He left us on this rainy, cold Christmas day and went to spend Christmas with his girlfriend and her family. They married on Valentines day 1970.
Have you ever read about things that happen in your life that defines who you are? That is what defines me and my life. Always wanting my Christmas to be the best ever. Better than the last.
I spend December running from that memory and here I am writing it down for all of the world to see.
That is what happens when I try to write a post with Christmas carols playing in the background. How about something fun?
I hung my Minons on the tree!!! I thought they needed to have some fun this year. They make me laugh.
Its a secret but I even put one tiny minion in the Nativity scene. No one has spotted it yet. I keep waiting. I am hoping for the, " What the heck is this Minion doing here!!!"
See that tiny gourd? Doesn't it make the best decoration. I keep trying to grow these but I still haven't had any luck. They are so hard to grow. Maybe this year. (Where on earth did a gardening thought come from already???)
This morning, I took Sasha out for her early morning constitutional. I have got in the bad habit of giving her a treat when we come back inside. At Thanksgiving everyone complained about her weight gain. So I have been cutting way back on treats. This morning when she came in, she went to the pantry and stood there.
I looked at her and said, " Go sit down, you aren't having a treat this morning. " She gave me this look, like really?? Ron was eating breakfast, and I sat down while he ate. We heard this rustling sound. We looked at each other, and he said, " Did she get herself a treat? I said, No, I don't think she could." I got up and sure enough, she had got in the bag and had carried her treat in the living room and was eating it with a very smug look on her face. I laughed and laughed and I still laugh as I write this. That is what happens when I let my dog get out of control.
I finished binding this rug, now to steam it. So it will lay nice and flat. Winter is the best time to bind rugs.
It has kept me so nice and warm. I don't think I will hook any more until Christmas is over. I think it is so nice to have all of my 2016 rugs finished and bound. I will start new ones in 2017.
I hope you have a lovely week. If I could ask. If you are a person who prays, could you pray for a young girl named Jourdan. Last week, on Thursday, which is my Bible Study day, Jourdan was turning into the parking lot and a drunk man in a truck ran the stop light and hit her as she was making a left turn into the parking lot. She is still in a coma with lots of injuries. Could you pray for her healing and restoration?
Thank you,
Our first Christmas tree and our first fur baby. 1980 |
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
― Hamilton Wright Mabie
“The reality of loving God is loving him like he's a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some stuff.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy