Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Lovely Ladies

These are my lovely ladies out for a stroll in the
bit of brief sunshine we had yesterday. I hope
to let them out for a bit more sun when it
warms up today.
One of my favorite things to do is to go outside
and let them out of their houses and then sit
outside and "visit" with them.

Our two oldest children got married in 2006
3 weeks apart. I guess you can never prepare
for an empty nest, but it is a wonderful gift from God to see
the completion of my children as they become
not a half but a whole. It still begins the change
of hats from mother to mother-in-law

I struggled to find a balance and now almost 4 years
later I am so happy at the fruit that has taken place.
What helped me to get over my empty nest was
Not only are they great for the mind but they lay eggs
too. So my idea of mental health is a flock of chickens,
they make you get outside and they make you have
something to take care of and they look up and thank
God for the water every time they take a drink,
so I think for me as I am thinking about new chicks
Nothing has helped me to stay sane, like chickens.
Have a very nice Saturday!
I might not post for awhile as today is the day my
hard drive gets re-formatted. It needs
lots of work and my husband had offered to fix my
computer at Christmas and I have put it off, now
I can't anymore, so today is the day. Good-bye
for now. :)

1 comment:

Kessie said...

Oh no! I hope all your data is all right or backed up! And I hope your compy gets working again properly. I'll bet it's fast.

And yes, chickens are good for your peace of mind. You can come up with so many observations about life from watching them.