With the forecast for finally a El Nino storm on its
way, I think this might be our last bit of sun. I can
see the mountains in the distance so that is a good sign
and we might have feet of snow in the mountains instead
of inches that we normally get.
With all of the beautiful clouds in the sky, I am reminded
of this little poem by Ruth Bell Graham.
Clouds are the dust of His Feet
And watching the evening sky
I chuckled to think, "how neat.
God just passed by."
Sundays are such nice days. Life moves a bit slower
As I was walking today and I could see the mountains
this popped into my mind.
"I will lift mine eyes unto the hills; From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth
The Lord will guard your going out
and your coming in from this time
fourth and forever."
Psalm 121:1-2; 8
Then once again He reminds me.
" He who promised is faithful. Has He said and will
not do it? or has He spoken and will he not make good?
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will
no means pass away"
I can look back at the darkest moments
of my life and I can see how all over my
life are finger prints of a loving heavenly
Father who led me down paths
I would not have gone nor been given
the gifts I did not deserve. He has
been faithful always.
So today, I lift up my hands in thanksgiving
because He is there.
1 comment:
Whether it rains today or not, I'm so happy the fog is gone, that I don't care! Right now it's totally gorgeous outside.
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