We finally hit triple digits today. I have spent more
time outside in the heat than in the house.
I am worried about the chickens and the garden.
I thought since I am going to be out here why
don't I take my camera. My Black-Eyed Susan's
seem to be doing just fine.

This is looking across the garden you can see
the cantaloupe, and the corn and my sunflowers.

I found this as I was looking for a place to take
a picture. Our first cantaloupe of decent size.
I can't wait. I almost gave in yesterday at the store
and bought one, I am so glad I waited.

This is my very hot, bearded Silkie. I have a new man in
my life. It is this guy. Isn't he just the sweetest
thing. He follows me everywhere. I took him
out in the garden with me. He thinks I am his hen.
I will get a better picture when I can get someone to
hold him for me. He is squirmy and I can't hold him
and take a picture.

Here are the girls. Not happy about being on the other
side of the fence from me. This is the first hot weather
they have ever experienced and they are unsure what
to do about it. I have been sitting outside with them and
they crowd around my legs and just stay by me.
My hens that are sitting, I threw off the nest and shut
the doors so they can't get back in the hen house.
I won't let them set because we haven't had a rooster until
now and the roosters I have are still youngsters.
I am afraid that they might die sitting on the nest boxes
so they follow me around the yard and complain about
not being able to sit. I think sitting hens are like
someone with very bad PMS. They gripe and complain.
They are so grumpy, I see why the other hens go peck
the fire out of them. Sometimes, I wish I had a beak and
I would peck them too. Sometimes I think having a beak
might be a real plus.
Time to do my run outside again. You know that it is going to
be a really hot day when at 5:00AM it is 80 degrees.
I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!
Too funny! I can see them being grumpy too. Love your blog!
Hope you find some ways to beat the heat! It has been way too hot here also.
oh, it's so hard to take that kind of
heat no matter the species. :)
i guess you can't hose off chickens.
i don't know the first things about
chickens, but a bit about cows and
horses. salt and shade on these
kind of days.
try to keep cool.
oh, it's so hard to take that kind of
heat no matter the species. :)
i guess you can't hose off chickens.
i don't know the first things about
chickens, but a bit about cows and
horses. salt and shade on these
kind of days.
try to keep cool.
oh, it's so hard to take that kind of
heat no matter the species. :)
i guess you can't hose off chickens.
i don't know the first things about
chickens, but a bit about cows and
horses. salt and shade on these
kind of days.
try to keep cool.
It was so hot yesterday! Today's not so bad, Hanford says that it's supposed to only be 98. Our pool is closed, but people are jumping the fence to swim anyway.
Triple digits, welcome to the club.
Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a delightful spot to slip off my shoes and drench myself in goodness.
even a hot day on your farm would be fun! i think women with beaks and PMS would be VERY scary!! haha!! (but a good idea!) :)
wow, that's plenty hot! Keep yourself cool...and the chickens, too!
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