The berries are getting ripe and if my two-legged
animals around here would stop eating them for snacks,
I might get a batch of jam or a cobbler or two. I had a
birthday party this weekend and the boys stood and
ate them as if they had never eaten berries off the vine
before. It made me sad to think of never tasting a
berry warm from the sunshine. So I just let them
eat all they wanted, there is always next year.
I have to share how my day went because I have been
laughing quietly to myself all day.
Today was my first day of really, summer vacation.
My two older college students are home now and my
two high schoolers are home so I have four kids here,
well except when they are working. It was such a nice
feeling knowing they were all upstairs in their beds and the
house was quiet.
So I thought, now I am going to have that really awesome
quiet time with God and maybe get real spiritual again. (Ha)
I opened up the first devotional, and what jumps out is "Who
hindered you from obeying the truth?" Oops, not good, I
turned the page. Next page," The fruit of the spirit is love,
joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
and self-control." (Gal. 5:22)
"Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,
with all lowliness, gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing
with one another in love."" Love suffers long and is kind."
"In due season, we shall reap if we do not loose heart."
See the message there, long-suffering, kindness, goodness.
As I was pondering these verses, one of my sons come in and says "
"Mom, could you sew this button on my pants?" I looked up, sort of
startled, and I admit, my first thought wasn't " Oh, good son, of course
your loving, kind mother would love to sew on that button."
My thought was, What!!! can't you see I am doing some important thinking
Then as I looked down at the pages on my lap, I started laughing to myself, took
the pants, got out my needle and thread and sewed the button on.
I was thankful that sometimes serving God is easy, and sometimes,
I can see His hand in the tiny things that don't matter to anyone but me.
My house today, isn't what I thought it would be, I have had the house full
of young people, baking cookies, drinking gallons of milk and playing board games.
I am thankful today that I did have time to get a few verses in and even more
thankful that I was told to be kind.
Having a gardening blog, I of course love gardening verses. Today my favorite was
abiding in the vine if I expect to bear fruit.
I had my first apricots this morning, sunshine bottled in fruit.
If I want to have good flavor, I need to stay connected to that vine.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
You had me at the title of your post. Seriously. I knew right where you were going to go. And, as always, you got me good.
Hey...you've done rug hooking, right? I have a fruit of the vine rug (not done). I'll send a photo later from home.
You are PURE JOY!!! I love coming here. I especially loved this:
"What!!! can't you see I am doing some important thinking
I laughed and laughed. I'll have to remember that line for my next interruption. And there will be one, you can be sure of that.
This post made me feel warm and fuzzy, like the end of spring. Thanks :)
Hi Kim, It must be so nice to have your boys home for summer. I love that you always have something spiritual in your posts. It's so touching and the way you show life and verses and it all goes together. I'm learning alot here. Thank You!
such a wise mom! it is sort of chaotic
here in the summers when all five kids
are home.
same baking and gallons of milk here ,too!
i can tell you love it as much as i do.
I cannot tell you how this post blessed me. Been there done that. I can just see those boys eating the berries. The best in the world right off the vine.
Having Lauren here in the house brings back wonderful memories, I have always enjoyed being a wife and mother, and now grandmother. I can tell by your writing that you do too. What a blessing you are Dear One.
Ahhh enjoy those days of interruptions it's a blessing in disguise! My kiddo's are grown and gone but I enjoy the sweet fun of a lil' grandson....pure joy even when there is dishes or laundry to be done! Love your post today!
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