This is a plum on our plum tree. Since I had never
done blogging before until last July, and really,
never took pictures before last July, taking pictures
and putting them on a blog for everyone to see is
sort of a test in humility.
This is how photographically challenged. I was,(am)
The kids were small and my Mom and Dad were living
in Oklahoma and my Mom asks me, " Uh, Kim, since you are
in this new church, well... is it against your religion to take
pictures of the kids?" I laughed and laughed. It was the dark
ages with film and going down to the place to get picturesmade and
I would do it like maybe send baby pictures when the kid was
graduating from high school, no not really, but it seemed like that
But, I digress, I bet you thought I was going to be thankful for cameras
that take digital pictures, right? Nope,
What I am really, really thankful for today is, YOU! Yep, the person out
there sitting there reading these words that I wrote. I have always
wanted to be a writer, I mean, my first stories were the ones I made up
and told people because I couldn't write. Then I learned to write and I
was always writing. I think though, officially, I started writing for real
when I was 11. I have written and still I write every day, some kind
of gobbledygook. I have burned most of it. I can tell that I need
to do some more major burning again because I have volumes everywhere.
Stephen King says in his book on writing that you should write your best
story and then burn it and start over and do it again.
Well, what I am thankful for is, maybe I should burn this, every day,
but you, are kind enough to read it and then, wow, not rejection slips,
like most writers got in the old days, I get the sweetest love letters in my
comment box and I am so thankful for you. How often after a very bad
day, I will come in and someone has left a comment that makes me just
want to sit and cry. It is such a sweet gift.
So as I was thinking this afternoon, about what I am thankful for on this
Thursday, it has to be all of you who take time out of your very hectic schedules
and you read this silly thing I write. It still amazes me.
So I hope your Thursday is a great one and thank you for
touching me with your life and thank you for sharing your life
for me to read.
i think you take beautiful photographs!
and i always enjoy what you write, too!
Your posts are the best part of my day and I look forward to them every morning. :)
adore your posts...don't *burn* any!! your plums are so big already. we have our first very tiny (so far) peaches. i may take a photo...but then again, it may cause so much laughter someone could pull a muscle or something. lol!!!
Every morning I eagerly look for your blog. When I was a little girl I used to escape to far away, better places than where I lived by reading books. I find that same wonderland enjoyment by reading your blog. You are such a blessing dear Kim!
Kim, first and foremost thank you for the kind words you left on my blog, you are a sweetie. I adore your blog and your photos are just wonderful. Now I must go back and read through, I have some serious catching up to do!
Hi Kim,
Beautiful plumphoto.
I am so glad that you are writing,you are truly gifted in being able to put your thoughts in written form.You always make me feel as if I am sitting there talking with you.
I have been thinking and praying about my blogging lately. And am a little sad tonight, as I found out that a blogger friend that I had been visiting is closing her blog,and she will be missed sorely.
So Dear Friend please don't let me come by for a visit and find that you are leaving. That would be to much. I hope your day tomorrow is filled with many blessings,
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