This has to be the prettiest June I can ever remember.
I can leave the windows open all day and there is this
very nice breeze that keeps the house about 71 degrees.
I walked out this morning and it felt like I was at the beach.
The air even felt cool like it was blowing in off the ocean.
One of the things I love about living where I live, is the
Alfalfa is blooming and getting ready for a cutting to make
hay. I love the smell of new cut hay in the morning.
As I stood and smelled the wonderful smell with just the
hint of warm sunshine mixed in and the gentle breeze blowing
the wind chimes so I could hear them making small sighing sounds,
it gave me a nice feeling of contentment.
There has been a grackle in a cotton wood tree just behind the
kids playhouse. I whisper to him to please take up residence and
bring his wife and raise a family. I love grackles and the sounds
they make. So far they prefer to live at Wal Mart and Target.
He was sitting in the tree, laughing to himself like some beggar,
who had fooled someone out of some loose change. I sat and listened
but I did not want to get close enough to take his picture so he can
bring the missus back and make a nest. I want him to think this is
prime real estate.
I saw a interesting thing the other night. The sun was going down and
My husband and I had got back in the yard from our walk and since twilight
is our favorite time to sit on the porch and talk we were doing just that.
When the rooster next door started his warning cry. We went to the gate
and looked over at his pen but couldn't see anything.
We looked down our fence row and we could see that a skunk
had just come from that way and was now making it down the
fence line stopping at every tree and digging in the tree well.
We wanted to get a closer look so we walked across the yard to
another gate and as we stood just inside the gate there was a small
black cat following the skunk. They were just meandering along together.
We kept saying to each other that wouldn't happen would it?
But it did, they walked all around the pasture together and it looked
for all the world like they were just visiting as friends.
I think why we could see that then was the wind was blowing away from
us so they weren't aware we were there.
I hope your Saturday is lovely.
I'm so glad you have a grackle! I hope he stays.
Also, a cat following around a skunk? Like in Pepe LePew? That is just too funny by half. Have a nice weekend!
This is the funny part I am not really leaving on a vacation/trip
I added at the bottom nest to the comment the ladder is in the garge I wrote I hope I made you laugh.
I am only going to be gone a couple of days and will travel with my notebook/laptop
Well, did I make you laugh?
PS. That's not even my house LOL!!
What a sweet fun post - skunk are here too -- in fact sometimes I think Garden City, should be changed to skunkvile - honest!
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