This morning this parrot was in the sunflower next
to our fence, I walked as slowly as I could to get a picture,
but our cat decided it looked like fun and came with me.
It flew off. My daughter came today and showed me how
to get it using photo-shop.
This is what lives in my sunflowers all summer. They are so pretty,
and so tropical. I don't think they have any predators that eat them,
so they have multiplied.
This is thankful Thursday, so I will share a thankful post,
but it is more like I am in awe post.
Our upstairs air conditioner went out on Sunday night.
When we went to bed that night I was just sick, sick because
these things cost so much money to fix, sick that the kids were
going to have to sleep with the windows open, and with 4 new
roosters crowing at 4:00 AM I was going to be in hot water.
I get all shaky inside when I have to call repairmen. I have been
thinking all summer that instead of being a worry-wart, I should
just pray about everything. So I prayed that God would show
me what repair company to call. He did. A very nice company,
but they couldn't come out until Tuesday morning at 7:30.
Tuesday morning the repairman arrives here at 7:20 ( good sign)
My husband was still at home, ( good sign #2) He talked to the
repairman and explained everything.
I could hear the repair man, who I am going to call Lynn just to make
it easier working on the air conditioners ( we have 3) See why I shake
in my boots, one is bad enough but 3 that is just nuts. Pacific, Gas and
Electric think we are their best friends, we have put all of their kids through
college. No not really it just feels like that.
Finally Lynn, comes in the front door and I have to talk to him. He begins
by saying to me. " I just wanted you to know that I am a Christian, that
I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior and when I pulled in the drive way
today, God spoke to my heart and said, that these people have been through
a lot and I want you to give them a break and tell them that I have heard
their prayers."
I just stood there, flummoxed. He turned to go upstairs and I went and
found a chair. On Monday, I spent the day praying and listening and
searching my heart. I prayed Psalm 139 over and over that God would search
my heart and see if there be some wicked way in me. I decided that I would write
out my prayer request and I would be a distinct as possible.
I also wondered if in the years I have walked with God was it possible
I missed Him and that the way I have always thought He answered me
was just my imagination.
Then this man who does not know me, has never been to my house,
heck he grew up in Pasadena so he isn't even from here. I have never
called that company before. For him to walk in my house and tell me
this was shocking to say the least.
The air conditioner wasn't broke either. The company who worked
on it before, even though we were paying for servicing wasn't servicing
them. He cleaned them and now they work better than ever.
He only charged us for the service call.
I was the doubter yet God has said that He has heard our prayers.
The trial isn't over yet, but I know because this man was willing
to look like a nut, God has heard my prayer and I think I can wait
a bit longer for His answer. I know this sounds really weird,
but I am so thankful today that when I thought the air conditioner
was broke, it wasn't, God was using it to show me that He is still at work
and He promised to never leave me nor forsake me, He didn't.
So today as I read, this,
"It is nothing short of a transformed vision of reality that is
able to see Christ as more real than the storm, Love
more real than hatred, meekness more real than
pride, long-suffering more real than annoyance,
holiness more real than sin."
(Discipline; The Glad Surrender, p.62)
"We have the mind of Christ."
l Corinthians 2:16
Have a lovely Thursday!
Holy crap. Okay, I know that is like an oxymoron type of thing. But, you just blew me away. Again.
God is great. All of the time. And, always with us.
totally love the parrot on sunflower pic!! where do you live to get wild parrots?! that is so cool!!
But your story about the AC guy blew me away!! I LOVE Jesus all the more for answering us when we cry out for Him! It blows my little dust brain so much! Thank you for sharing this. It has blessed me :)
When old Mr. Wattenbarger lived in the house behind us he had a few pecan trees. There were green parrots like that that would sit and eat the pecans. I loved watching them.
That story is still amazing, even "hearing" it a second time. You are much more patient than I am, to sit and be quiet as God works. I just sit and kick and scream. ;)
I love your parrot pictures! They turned out really good!
And that story is so awesome.
OH! Kim,
I am trying to write this comment through many tears of joy! I am almost speechless, not because of the faithfulness of God, but because you have said it all.
I can't tell you how many times something similar has happened to us. And just like you, I have sat and had the the same conversation with myself. But God who is an on time God would send someone or something to reassure me that He had not forgotten me.What an AWESOME God we love.
This has been the highlight of my day, and I can hardly wait to share this story with my dh.
I wish we lived nearby, boy could we trade war stories we have had with satan, and we both have read the last book, and we win!!Yea!!
I do treasure you!
how do you comment when just wonderful words have already been said.. what a story - what a deep meaningful out look and what a never forgeting experience! I have been touched - thanks for sharing this - wow - what a blessing..
Love the parrot on the sunflower picture! Wow, the air conditioner story....after he spoke to you, I don't know how you found a chair to sit in. I probably would have fainted right there in the middle of the floor.
Thanks for the kind words at my blog. It is good to know that others struggle also. When the time is right it will come together for all of us. I hope it's soon :)
I stand and eat too!!! You know standing burns more calories than sitting :) So we are on the right track, LOL.
I got the weight tracker at tickerfactory.com. It's free and they have all kinds of styles to choose from and different things to track. You can also get there if you click on it on my blog and then click to create your own.
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