I was out walking with my camera, and I noticed that
the silk oak was blooming. I have never seen a bloom
up close, it was amazing that it looked like a sea-anemone
or some other kind of sea creature.
Today is Wednesday. It is baby day at our house.
I have the wading pool filled with water and lots of cups,
for them to fill up and drink water from. It is a good thing
that I have a dry spot in the yard, because the boys would
rather play in the hose rather than get in the little pool.
My grand daughter being the only girl, does not yet
look fondly on splashing or being splashed by her big
brother or her cousins.
When I was a young mother and trying to figure out this
mothering and being a wife business I would have been over
the moon if I could have found a older woman to mentor me.
There just were not any around. I turned to books and of course,
Elisabeth Elliot. My favorite I think of her guests was her daughter
Valerie Shepherd. I went to see Valerie when she came to our town
as keynote speaker. She was as wonderful as her mother, except
gentler. I have also went to see Elisabeth Elliot speak and talked to
her briefly. I was shaking so bad I don't think I made any
sense. I do remember her taking her glasses off, and looking at me
in the eyes and saying, " I hope I can live up to all that you expect from me."
I was sort of shocked but I realized that I had made her my idol.
When I saw Valerie speak she said, " We have to be careful that we
don't turn our ideals into idols." I have thought so much about that
through my life because I have a tendency to do that.
Well today is Wednesday, I am lonesome for babies. I am glad that
when I fall into bed tonight it will be with a smile on my face, because
today, I kissed babies and I rocked them to sleep and my house will
be filled with laughter and questions from three year olds that start
with " Hey Gama"
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Oh the joy of children! Enjoy the day with all your lil' ones.
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day!!!
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