I snapped this of a rainbow out in front of the house.
When I was a kid, we had went to visit my Grandpa
and he showed me this picture of a big horn sheep
hunt he had been on and he was standing at the foot
of a rainbow. It was the neatest picture, I asked my
uncle after my Grandpa died if he found it while going
through his things, he didn't. So it just
lives in my brain. I did ask my Grandpa Sam if there was any gold.
He said no, just the golden opportunity to stand at the foot,
of a rainbow. He also did not get a big horn sheep.
I was very little the first time I met my Grandpa Sam, he had
served in WW ll and when he went over seas, he was in a unit
stationed in the Pacific. He never told us what he did he kept
it secret. Then at his funeral, the veteran who gave it told what
his job had been. His job was to land on islands, filled with the
Japanese and his job was hand to hand combat with guns and bayonets and to kill every Japanese
soldier on the island and then fight their way back to the ship.
He came home, after that, but never talking. He drank a lot.
I loved him very much but he didn't stay around.
We both became Christians at the same time. He sent me my Bible
and he would call and we would talk for hours.
I wish I had listened better. I loved Ronald Reagan because
he looked so much like my Grandpa Sam and on Saturdays
there was this show on T.V, that Ronald Reagan hosted.
I never missed it because I really thought my Grandpa
was on T.V. That is why he didn't come visit.
I don't know why I am writing about this, it must be from
yesterdays post, and I am thinking about World War Two.
I have 4 sons and 3 grand sons, war affects us all.
So come Lord Jesus. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
1 comment:
Hello Kim,
So nice to visit tonight, and as always been so blessed by reading and catching up on what you have been up to.
I had an uncle that was just like a grandfather to me who served in WWII, and when he came home , He also didn't talk about the war. I too remember that program that Ronald Reagan hosted, and I think he made a wonderful president too.
I have heard of Irena Sendler, and read her story on another blog some time ago, and I was so touched.She has the sweetest face, you just want to hug her.Corrie Ten Boom was another, what a blessing.
Your Monday post especially spoke to me, I am trying so hard to stop and give thanks for all my blessings. And like you I have been so busy.
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with trying to catch-up. But am learning to stop, take a deep breath, and rest in Him.
Nettles is a herb, that I want to get to know.
I am a believer in using herbs, not only for cooking but for medicinal purposes as well,and enjoy growing them. Over the past few years I have been a little lax in growing them . But this year I am determined to be more diligent.. lol
I also enjoyed your post on the update of your chicks, I too hate to lose one, and my dh always says "you have to expect this to happen when you have young chicks." I just take it so personally, like it is my fault. I think the young chicks should be coming into our farm center soon. I am so looking forward to that.
Well. as usual I have written to much, and apologize for not visiting sooner. I am enjoying this warm weather we are having, and staying out as late as I can. LOL.
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