The chicks are growing fast, This little guy is by
far the smallest by the bossiest so I am thinking he
is a rooster. Everyone else is supposed to be hens, but
I did buy five Silkies and they are straight run so I might
have some roosters in there. Which I don't mind,
my little hen outside needs a husband. I would like to
raise Silkies by having them be hatched.
I finished my needle punch of a chicken, I do
enjoy needle punch. It is easy and it goes fast.
It is very relaxing and because the designs are
so small, I have a finished project in a record
amount of time.

I finished my rug. That is fun to do and I can
see how I could get addicted to this and never do
anything else. If I had a ready supply of wool and
a wool cutter, I think I would be happy to do this and
maybe never quilt again.

I am glad we made it to Friday. We shouldn't have
rain until late in the day tomorrow so it will be
back to chopping weeds. I hope it will be a nice
weekend for all of you. So have a happy Friday!
I could look at pictures of baby chicks every day, if you cared to put them up! Maybe you could do a bio on each of them each day? *looks hopeful*
I love your hooking stuff, too. It has the coolest texture.
Okay, that was what I was thinking, just for you I will do a chick cameo every day. :)
Hi Kim,
how adorable are the chicks. I am so glad they are doing well.
Your needlework is beautiful!
Our weather is suppose to be the warmest we have had in a very long time, I know I will be outside enjoying the sunshine.And I hope you get to enjoy it too.
I am just about halfway done with my cleaning, lol for some reason I have had a lot of interruptions this week. But that's okay, it will get done.
Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comment.
I always enjoy reading of your day.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh! I forgot to ask if you have been on any ladders lately? LOL. If so be careful! I get my orders to not be on them. lol
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