This is a picture of my front porch that I took last
summer when I started blogging. I have never been
much of a picture taker so this has been new to me. (So is blogging.)
I have always let my kids take the pictures, so for
me to be in control of a camera has been fun. I have so much
to learn.
I am pretty blog dead in my brain today. I have
worked all day and don't feel real creative. I am going
to fall back on my old stand-by, Fenelon. I like devotional
books that the people have been dead about 400 years
or so. My youngest devotional books are Streams in The Desert,
Morning and Evening by Spurgeon, and Oswald Chambers. Those
guys are youngsters compared to the guys I really like.
But Fenelon continues to be my favorite and I go back to him
over and over. This is what he told me the other morning, when
I was doing everything he addresses in this paragraph.
The Future
Don't be so concerned about the future. The future belongs to God.
He is in charge of all things and will take care of you completely.
If you try to guess what is going to happen you will only worry
yourself and anticipate trouble. Live each day as it comes.
Each day brings its own good and evil,
but what seems evil becomes good if you leave it in God's
hands. Do not hold up His purpose by being impatient.
God has a time for everything. Never second guess Him. One
of the most important things you must do is live in the present
moment. God knows just how long it will take you to get from one place to
another. You needn't always be rushing about. Simply follow God's leading.
All you need to do is prepare your heart by giving it completely
over to God, without reservation. He will do with you what HE pleases.
Close your eyes and follow Him. Walk as Abraham did, not knowing
where you are going. God Himself will be your guide.
He will lead you through the desert to the Promised Land.
You will be so happy if you let God take full control of your life!
Isn't that good stuff? I was a jumble of all the what if's and then
I read good ole Fenelon and he always kicks me in the seat of the
pants. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do, I can't wait to meet
him someday.
Good Morning Kim,
I almost did not come back to my computer,because once I get online, I stay. lol
But I am so glad I did, i really needed this today, I am a jumble too of what ifs. Thanks to Fenelon for this kick in the pants I needed it too. Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit and writing it.
Dear husband just came in and told me it was to cold to work on the porch today, so I guess I will have to find another sand box to play in. lol. Goodness knows there are a lot of them around here.
We can expect this up and down weather until after Easter.
Hope your day is filled to the brim with many blessings. I always leave blessed and inspired.
Dear Sue,
You are the sweetest person in the whole world. You always bless me.
Kim, I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your blog. It is absolutely delightful! Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to work on this because I know it must bless so many people. You have inspired me to work on my blog. It's not ready for release yet, or maybe I should say I'm not ready! LOL
Anyway, the Lord is using you to bless others and probably those you don't even know about!
Bless you!
Cindy Jones
Thank you so much for your very kind comments. I always pray that God can use my very insignificant life to bring Him glory. You have blessed me today.
I hope you do get your blog up and running soon. It really is worth it.
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