I have had some thoughts going around in my head
about blogging. I thought I might share my vast**(cough)**
experience in the the world of writing blogs.
I sort of got my toe wet not expecting to last a month,
I never dreamed that it would become a joy but having
people read it and look at my pictures that is something.
I was scared to death, and sometimes I am still .
When you start blogging, first of all you will meet the
very nicest people in the whole world. I am not kidding.
I have never ran across such giving, kind and warm people
ever. I really think that in the blogging world, these sweet
bloggers would give away the shirt on their back.
Another thing I didn't know at first is that button at the end
of a post that says "comment" very important. I didn't know
this, in fact I was so scared to leave a comment I didn't do it
for the first six months.
Then I did and the whole world changed. I saw that comments
are more valuable than gold.
I think that it is also very important that you have pictures. I have
never been a picture taker so this was another hard thing, but now
that has been a rewarding experience.
It is very hard some days to come up with something to write about,
but do it anyway. You will be ministering to someone in a way you might
never know about but it is a ministry none the less.
I wrote a post one morning, because I was going to stop blogging, I was sick
and life had seemed so big, my Mom had just died and that was the reason
I had started a blog in the first place so she could stay connected. I felt adrift.
That day, some one left me a comment that changed my life. It was then, that
I realized that I can make friends all over the world.
So having a blog is like having a small child, some days are hard,
but most days it is fun and you get back so much more than you ever
So if you have been thinking about a blog but sort of hanging back,
well like the Nike commercial says, "Just do it."
Happy Wednesday!