This morning I was out side taking pictures for
Monday's post and I found this in my flower bed,
I trimmed my roses on Sunday, and Monday morning
there was this lovely treasure in the grass. My first thought
when I looked at it was, "So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; (Matt 6:28)
That is always a verse to ponder on laundry day. :)
When I was a kid we raised among other things, sheep.
In the spring we spent more time in the barns than we
did in our own beds. Even though, I wasn't a Christian,
I had went to Sunday School and I had learned the verses
about Jesus being the good shepherd. Sitting in the barn
with the ewes and the lambs. Those verses would come
back to me, like "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep,
and am known by my own."
(John 10:14)
When you think of a good shepherd, you think of a person who
would give his life to protect his sheep, a shepherds whole life
is spent looking for good pasture, for protection and the care
and well being of his sheep. As I learned as a little girl,
I had a bummer lamb that was mine. My job was to feed
her every day. When I called her name she came to me.
She did not follow another and she knew my voice. When
I called, she ran to me. She went every where I did and we
were the best of friends. Yes, I was a source of food, but
she would lay her fuzzy little head in my lap when she was
How often have I been like that lamb, yes, I know my shepherd,
and yes, He takes care of me and He protects me
but sometimes this lamb just wants to run to Him and lay
my tired head in His lap and know that every thing is alright.
" It is not for the flock of sheep to know the pasture the
Shepherd has in mind. It is for them simply to follow Him.
(A Lamp for my Feet, p. 63)
Have a wonderful Tuesday.
Good Morning Kim, I wanted to stop by before I really get going today,just waiting for the plumber to come.
Your post today spoke to my heart, I am like you I know the shepherd does look after me, but there are times I want to run to him and lay my head in his lap too.And There are many times I do just that.
Love this treasure you found, so beautiful.
And that is one of the reason I like to garden too. Have a blessed day, more rain last night, thank the Lord.
Sending much love today.
i love that so much. "it is not for the sheep
to know the pasture . . ." it reminded me of
"hind's feet on high place", a favorite of mine!
What is a bummer sheep? I love this sweet memory of yours! I love how you tie scriptures with everyday events. The lily is sooooo lovely! Have a wonderful day dear girl!
Hi Mimi,
I knew I should have clarified that,
a bummer sheep is a lamb that the Momma doesn't want for whatever reason. Sometimes they take a extreme dislike to one of their babies or sometimes the ewe will die. There were some years we might have 10 or more lambs the mothers rejected, if it was a year that there were lots of twins and triplets. Then the hard part is you get really attached and you just can't because they have to be sold. My least favorite part. I am not good at even giving kittens away. :)
oh the flower is lovely!
this such a wondergul memory!
you have an amazing blog!
Love that flower pic! So pretty :)
Gardening and great stories. I love your blog. :-)
I enjoy your blog posts so much!!!
Your stories are wonderful. I'm so happy that you are sharing them with everyone!
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