Wednesdays are busy, my grandchildren come over
with their Moms. We do a Bible Study together on
most Wednesdays. This Wednesday we won't,
everyone in my family here, and my grandchildren
and their Moms and Dads all have colds. I know that
colds are caused by a virus but I can't help but blame
it on the erratic temperatures. Sunday we had a 90 degree
day, Monday it was raining and the high was in the 60s.
Today we will be back up to 80 but by the weekend back
to the 60s and possibly more rain. The snow level keeps
dropping so it is just weird. I have lived in California my
whole life and there aren't to many years I remember it
raining in May. In a normal year, we don't get much rain
after March.
Even so it is still beautiful outside. In the morning, I can
walk around in a sweatshirt and shorts and pretend I am at the
Since I only have two days of school left, I have been planning
my summer schedule. So far nothing concrete. I would like to get
back to my walking schedule, that has fallen by the wayside this
year with kids going off in different directions and I have this
hang up about being around when they leave the house.
I like to be able to tell them I am praying for them and I
think that is more important that me walking.
My cantaloupe is coming up and I am pretty excited about that
but I need to start a workout time getting the weeds out of my
I have been thinking about what books I am going to read and I am
thinking I would like to go back and read all of Corrie Ten Booms books.
I was also thinking about reading about Hudson Taylor and George Mueller.
I was thinking that I have got into a slump and I have allowed my God to get
to small. I need to be able trust a big God for impossible things.
I want to get back to expecting the unexpected.
I have this written down in my journal and it fits today, "When I have
moments of drought or unbelief or even if I think I have sinned
so much, that God can't possibly forgive me
one more time. I am responding with my finite mind.
My Father who is always there with these words, not in
condemnation, but a voice filled with love, acceptance, and
all that I need to hear,"
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways,"
declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so
are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your
thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Then I realize, It is enough.
Have a lovely Wednesday.
Good Morning Kim,
I am so sorry that your family is sick, I will pray for them to be well soon.
I know you are looking forward to summer and gathering all the fruits of your labor.
I have been feeling in a slump lately too. I was listening to Beth Moore speak this morning, and she touched on just going and sitting before the Lord, and how that helps in building an intimate relationship with the Lord. I plan to do just that today, before I do anything.
The scripture you have shared is one of my favorite. I guess you hear that a lot from me, But All of His Words are my favorite.
Thank you for all that you are, how blessed I am.
Yay Canteloupe! I can't wait for fresh, homegrown produce.
I think, hope and pray that I'll be over this nasty cold by Friday. It's moved into my lungs now so I don't feel bad, I just have the giant feeling of a lump in my lungs. Which normally means I'm just about done, so I might make it! LOL!
I hope you all are getting better too. It's going to be weird not coming over today. Wednesdays are always my favorite days. Love you!
this was my devotion today from a book i bought two or three years ago!!!!! it must be a Word from the Lord for me --- for sure.
thanks for sharing it, kim!
kim, you asked what book i bought 2-3 years ago and just opened it today for my personal devotions. it's *the virtuous woman* by vicki courtney. isaiah 55:8-9 is on the preface to the study that i started just this morning....and when i read the same scripture 2 different times in 2 different places by 2 different authors sharing the Word? I. Listen. lol. thanks for being sensitive the His Spirit.
Hope your family is feeling better soon. It's the pits feeling bad in the Spring. I'm so happy that we can encourage each other.
hey kim,
that's a sweet reminder to me, too. how i
love corrie, hudson, and george.
only two more days of school? i remember
how the end of school spelled such freedom
to me, as a homeschool mom. endless days
to play and read.
to my friends, it was terrifying. "what am i
going to do with these kids all summer?" :)
Lovely post. We are in Calif. too, and I agree, the weather here this year has been decidedly odd. I just spent an hour or two weeding in the garden, and got rained on several times. In May!! You mentioned doing some summer reading -- I just read two really good books about seeing God for the big God He is: The Prayer of Jabez, and one by ?Ortberg? I think, called If You Want to Walk on Water You've Got to Get Out of the Boat. Maybe you'd enjoy those, too. (I'm the librarian for our church, so I'm always looking for/acquiring good Christian books :). Anyway, enjoy the weird weather! Maybe we'll be warming up here soon.
Farm Girl, thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello :) I replied to you over there, but figured I'd best stop by here again since you have already read my two book suggestions, above. Here are two more I've really enjoyed: 31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew by Ruth Myers. And The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. Have you already read those? And now I need some recommendations from YOU as it seems like we have similar reading tastes. Thanks in advance! :)
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