This is my Thankful Thursday post. Today, I am so
thankful that some days are just filled with loveliness.
I am so thankful that God called me to home educate
our children, and so far the two that are married,
they married people who were home educated too.
We all speak the same language and where school is
concerned we have a culture in common.
Maybe it is because we just had Mothers Day so I have
been thinking of a mothers role in life. When I first
heard Elisabeth Elliot, for the most part I did not understand
a word she said, like this., " A mother is a chalice, the vessel
without which no human being has ever been born. She is created
to be a life-bearer, cooperating with her husband and with God in the
making of a child. What a solemn responsibility. What and unspeakable
privilege---a vessel divinely prepared for the Master's use.
(The Shaping of a Christian Family, p.98)
" Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, he praises her."
(Proverbs 31:28)
I didn't understand all of that but I knew more than anything in my whole
life I wanted to be a woman who was prepared for the Master's use. I wanted
to be a woman who's children call her blessed and her husband also.
I felt as a young woman, if I did my job, and God would help me, I might
have a few good days. :)
Now being a grandmother with 5 grandchildren, and loving my very
lovely life I can thank God for choosing me...even me.
The picture above is my very favorite history books in the whole world.
When I started teaching, I couldn't understand why no one taught history
with the Bible as the text book and why not make that a central thing that
all of history is built on. So for years I wrote my history stuff myself.
Then these history books came out The Mystery of History by Linda
Lacour Hobar. She was so much better at writing these history books and
letting the Bible be the central theme, I was so happy. The boys have
learned so much and now have a complete history in order with Jesus as
the central theme. All of history, China, India, all of the places as they fit.
I always start planning my next school year now as I am finishing up
while I can see my weaknesses as well as my strengths.
I knew this would be a different kind of year with my Mothers illness and
her approaching death so I knew that any week we were able to do, would
be a blessing. God is so good in that He not only got us through this year, but
I am happy with how much we did get accomplished. I always call these kinds
of years reality parenting.
So this is my jumbled up post of Thankful Thursday.
I hope you have a wonderful Thursday too.
Good Morning Dear Kim,
Oh! how I have missed visiting you, We have been in Texas, visiting our daughter and her family, and just got back late Tuesday night.
I thought of you so much on Mothers day, and wanted you to know that I prayed for you. I hope your day was filled with many blessings.
I am on my way out to the herb garden but just had to stop by and say hi, and plan to visit you tonight and catchup. I so enjoyed this TT post. We have come home to playing catchup too!
It is so refreshing to see a woman after God's own heart, who loves God and wants to serve Him by serving her family, and others. This is the main reason I started blogging, to find and make friends with women who have such a heart for God and their family. You are such a blessing to me and I know to your family, I also believe your family arise and call you blessed.
Much love,
Hi Sue, glad you had a nice time visiting your daughter. I am glad you are back, maybe playing catch-up? :) I am still so thankful to God for you finding me too. :) I love God's divine appointments. I found your new blog too when I was blog hopping. It is beautiful and I really loved your strawberry jam tutorial. Have a great day and I am so glad you are home and you are my Barnabas in that you are such a encourager.
Love you lots,
this is such a sweet that resonates with
my heart. my heart soared as a mommy.
it is difficult transitioning to an empty
nester. i miss them so.
thankfully, my husband and i still "like"
each other. :)
Hi Kim, I am so glad to be back tonight catching up. Thanks for visiting my other blog, my daughter was suppose to get on board with me but I am finding out just how busy her life is. lol
I so enjoyed reading all of your previous posts. Love the jailbird picture,lol and your thoughts hit home so clearly. I did have to smile because I so related when I got my first ticket, anytime I see a blue light around me those same feelings come back. lol
The chickens are coming along beautifully, we battle with foxes here too, plus coyote. We are now dealing with some other animal eating our guinea eggs. It seems there is something all the time.I can't tell you how many times I have ran out of the house chasing hawks and strange dogs. lol
Your son William is very handsome, and congratulations to him for winning the scholarship. I know you are very proud of him , and I also know what it is like when they have to leave the nest. I am so glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day.
Commenting on your homeschooling post, I have tremendous respect and give honor to parents, namely mothers who home school their children. If we had young children now, I certainly would want to home school them. So great job, and I know your children really appreciate you, and I love the comment you made about falling in love with your children and your life. Just was so touched by this.
Most people never realize how important their precious children are until they are on their on, you are blessed to have found out early on. Great advice to mothers too. I never knew how many mothers were homeschooling until I started blogging. I have been so blessed by this as well.
I apologize for making a long comment , but I am always encouraged when I visit you. I know if we lived nearby we would have great conversations and company
Enjoy your evening,
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