I started working on this Penny Rug. I have owned
the pattern for years, but I am finally getting around
to working on it. I thought I would be finished working on
it by today, but I will show you what I have been
working on.

Miles and miles of swimming pool fence. There
are 42 metal fence pipes in each section of
fence panel. Each one is rusted so first we (my
husband and I) Lacquer Thinner and steel wool,
and scrub off the rust and then wipe it down and
then paint it with oil based paint. This part looks
pretty, the rusty part does not. This will be our
project for the next few weekends. Just before we
do the eves on the outside of the house. I have
lots of painting projects lined up. I am out of
school this Thursday, so I take of teacher hat
and put on handy Mom hat.
Changing gears, I have thought so much about
waiting on God and not running ahead. Every thing
I have been listening to and reading has this one thread
running though it.
Like this: " I think perhaps the hardest lesson of faith is
learning to wait. We always want to do something,
and sometimes God says, "Don't do anything,
Be still, Listen to me."
"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength."
(Isiah 40:31)
"The Lord himself goes before you, and will be with you,
he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
(Deuteronomy 31:8)
Today as I look around at all that I need to get done
and the people who are on my prayer list, most of
them are in a waiting room of some kind. Today,
I will wait and be still, and know that He is never
late. I know too, I am always in a hurry.
I hope you have a great Monday.
This is one of the biggest challenges of my Christian walk...being still and quiet and patient with the Lord's timing. I am praying to have diligence in...prayer! To see a thing through until I get my answer. Thanks for the encouragement this Monday.
I needed to hear those encouraging verses today. I was going to run ahead of God on Saturday by making some phone calls. I had it all planned and everything. And Saturday I woke up with no voice, and had no voice for the entire day. God has a sense of humor, all right.
That is so funny, Yep, sometimes God likes to "help" us out when we are going to take our will into our hands and not wait. It makes me always feel kind of safe, in that God knows best and I do not. especially when He has told me to wait, and I don't want to.
I hope you feel better soon.
I love you,
" I think perhaps the hardest lesson of faith is
learning to wait." I couldn't agree more! thanks for sharing this post...great illustration in repainting the fence! ;)
Kim, Such a heartfelt post, and You have shared some of my favorite scriptures.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, but most of all for your prayers. Our drought was so serious. the pasture was all brown, but this evening my dh came in and said there was beginning to be a difference, and how much he thought the cows were enjoying the cooler temps. We have been having hot temps. too. Our part of the state it seems was the last to get rain, but God has and is and will always be faithful to us.
I don't know who else in on your prayer list, but God does, and I will help you pray for them. I count it a privilege to pray for others, as I am always asking for prayer myself.
Oh! by the way, I love your penny rug, and would love to have a pool like that, maybe I would lose some weight. lol I will be thinking of you painting while I am painting the spindles on our front porch in the coming week. LOL
Talk about projects, dh and I were talking this evening about so many around here, but we are already planning for a busy summer. This week we will be traveling to Georgia for our g-daughters high school graduation,kids coming in June, a wedding in July and more company in July. But not complaining as I love them so much and cannot get enough of time with them.
I found out along time ago, that the Maker of time always gives me the time I need to get what needs to be done.
I am thankful for the privilege of getting to know you. I am sorry for such a long comment again. It's like we are talking on the phone. LOL
Much love,
Great post! That is a major pool project holy cow!!!! Sounds like a ton of work :)
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