I love the flowers that keep surprising me
in the flowerbeds. I planted lots of Lilly bulbs
in the early winter but our dog thought it was
her own personal job to dig up every single one.
I replanted and replanted when I could find them.
So every time a survivor shows up I am tickled pink.
Today was the last day of school. I have 3 lovely months
stretched out before me. It is like opening a box of
chocolates and knowing I can eat them one by one.
That is how I feel about this Friday. I have all of these
lovely days that hopefully will not be rushed like I have
spent the last 9 months rushing.
I have my friend coming over this morning for tea.
She is my friend that we can sit and watch my chickens and
drink tea and we can talk about chickens for hours. When I go
to her house we sit and watch and talk about her chickens.
When you are crazy about chickens it is nice to have another
friend who you can share your addiction with.
She will be finishing up school too so we will have more time
now that both of our schools are over. That is one of the hard things
about being a homeschooling mother, everything goes on hold
during the school year. It is hard to explain to new friends that
Oh, sorry, I can't do that until school is out, No, I can't go out to
lunch, or shopping or anything thing I used to do before I started
One of the things I miss with almost having all of my kids grown up,
was when they were small all of the hours I spent reading out loud to
them when it was to hot to go outside. I still read out loud to my boys,
but it isn't like it used to be. I used to read out loud all of the time.
So I won't have to limit my sewing to just Fridays now, and I can clean
house without guilt. I won't have to do these wind sprints with a mop when
I am trying to get the floor mopped and be up the stairs by 9:00 A.M.
Or run up and down the stairs to put clothes in the washer and dryer.
It is so easy to get 10,000 steps on Mondays.
So life is good and I have my husband talked into watching Pride and Prejudice.
with me tonight. He puts up with a lot from me.
Enjoy your Friday, I know I will
congratualtions on another homeschool year complete! I TOTALLY understand having to put somethings on hold while schooling. Thankfully the Lord has allowed me to teach women on Tuesday nights and publish a Bible study while homeschooling this year. BUt it certainly requires the daily practice of balance and prioritizing!! Enjoy your first day off!!
And it sure is a gorgeous day, isn't it? I keep thinking of excuses to go outside and sit in the sun. :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I have so enjoyed beginning reading your post. They are so inspiring and I plan to visit often. :)Ginger
Hey Kim~Nice to visit with you it's been awhile.It's been crazy busy and I can't wait for school to be over myself.I don't homeschool though I think it's awesome to do so.My husband would never go for it.I wish I had with my older Girls.My youngest goes to a Charter School and it's working out just fine.
I wished I had Chickens to talk about too! I think they are beautiful lil things.I love green eggs!
Oh ,I think you should so Live and Post some photos.That's my fav about blogging are all the real photos.I'm going to post my master bedroom makeover real soon.
Stop by again real soon.~Cheers Kim
It sounds like You have a full and rich life. It is those quiet moments when we can simply sit and just breath that we truly appreciate our journey. Lovely blog...enjoy the summer and those chickens.
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