Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

I think by saying I was going to be thankful for something everyday in November has had the opposite effect. I have been grumpy and not thankful. I feel with all of the wonderful blessings I have been given, I have turned into a miser who just doesn't want to share at all. How sad is that, to want to write a thankful post and then not share it. So this morning, as I looked all around me for something to be thankful for, it was work and not easy, this is what I came up with this morning.
I am thankful for coffee in bed, and having that bit of time with R. before he goes to work.
I am thankful for God's word that reminds me who I am and that I have been called by God for a reason.
I am thankful that I get to stay home and teach the boys and that I have had the blessing of being a mother.
So today I will end with the verse that helps me not be grumpy and reminds me about who I am and what I am and what the final goal is for life.
"Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:3


Kessie said...

Aww, sorry to hear that you're grumpy today. I think Tuesdays are just grumpy days, because they're my grouchiest day, too.

I'm thankful for two babies who take naps, and my devoted husband, and for the gorgeous weather that smells so good. And that's just off the top of my head. :-)

Farm Girl said...

I am glad you have all of those things to make you thankful. I am over my grumpys now I think. I know when I am grumpy, I just need to move some furniture around and rearrange stuff. That makes me happy. It is pretty outside and I can still open windows in November so that is really nice.

an encourager said...

Amen, Sistah!!! Like the apostle Paul, often the very thing we want to do we don't, and vice versa. Maddening, that! But, victory was yours, because you wrote that beautiful blog full of thanks and praise, despite how you were feeling. So, yay for you! And you know what else? God knew that there would be days when it would be a plain ol' sacrifice to give that thanks! Really, His understanding is infinite. It's just one of the things I am thankful for and like about the Lord our God. Psalm 50:23 says that sacrifices of thanks honor God, so there ya have it. :) (See Psalm 116:17 & 54:6, too.) lol... This was long! Oh, and THANK YOU for the pie crust help. I have never heard of weights, but will look into that!!! One more thing... I like your idea and am going to be thankful for at least one thing a day, too!

Farm Girl said...

Thanks for you kind words!! Of course the Bible Verses too. Always no matter how I feel I can turn to the book of love letters that I have and it always makes me feel better, even too if I need a trip to the woodshed. :) Good luck with the pies too, I know they sell them at Williams-Sonoma. They are cool. I had weights that I got when I did Stretch and Sew and they worked just as well.
Thanks for visiting.