Here is a picture of my cabin. I thought you would like to see it. I am pretty amazed that
I found a picture of the one that lives only in my brain. You see, when life gets really crazy,
I go visit this cabin. It looks like I have been there for awhile because all of the leaves are cleaned off the porch.
My Mom is in the hospital and she is dying. I have had a hard time coming up with posts that stayed happy and cheery. These last few weeks, I feel like I walk in two places and live no place at all. Always in my mind are the thoughts about her. She has been put in the hospital now. I am thankful for that because I think she can rest easier now. I am thankful that my sister is not alone but with people who can help. I feel like it has been years since I laughed and wonder if I will always be a grump.
God has been so faithful and has promised me that it is He who walks with me through the fire. I stare every day at my own mortality and understand about this body of death. So today when I found this quote I had written down when our grandsons were born at 1pound 5 ounces and 1 pound 7 ounces I rejoice that God is a big God.
" A God small enough for our mind would not be big enough for our need." So today, Lord, I need a really BIG God. One of the things that I love so much is God's word, this is what I read now that reminds me that this is not the end. There is hope.
"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death,
nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away" (Rev. 21:4) We shall bid farewell to earthly sorrows forever. "And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him" (Rev. 22:3) In the book of Acts there is this little passage that says, " They rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer for His name. Suffering is considered a gift from God, I am thankful that God gives me such a gift because I know, Joy will come in the morning.
It is after all Thankful Thursday. :)
Everything will be OK. God is faithful and will hold you through it all. You can be thankful that you had so many years with her, and she's not gone yet. If you go out there, take some knitting. I swear it will help.
You'll make it through! God is totally with you in this. I just wish this hadn't happened right at the holidays. It adds so much stress.
If you want to find some good mystery books, have you ever seen this site?
It's all about "cozy mysteries", and they sound like what you like to read. :-)
Thanks you so much for being so sweet. I will take knitting and I will look this place up. It sounds very nice.
I will talk to you in the morning.
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