I found a sunflower this morning on my walk. I
haven't planted mine yet, this is just a volunteer
from last year, I thought it was so pretty. The other
ones that were out there got pretty beat up from
Mondays hail.

I finally got a picture of my daughter-in-love spinning.
I almost missed this one too, if my daughter had not
reminded me to get a picture. She starts spinning and
I just sit and stare, there is something about the wool
roving, being changed into yarn that just amazes me.
It just is so pretty as the spindle starts filling up. I don't
know if you can see the knitting on the table beside her
but she dyed that and I just love the color. She never
gets to spin as long as I would love to sit and watch her.

This in my granddaughter, she had crawled out to
the side walk, the dog is Sasha, but on baby day
we call her Nana. She stays where ever the kids are and
watches like a hawk. She will get almost hysterical if she
is in the house and they are outside. Herding being her
instinct she loves herding everything. My chickens, but
her favorite is kids.
She is passed out under my desk right now because baby
day is such a busy day for her.
I read this today, and I think it fits. It has always been my goal
and even more so as I try to be a good grandmother.
"The primary and shining grand purpose of our lives is that Christ
might be magnified in us, that we might be the bearers of the life
of Christ to the rest of the world." (Elisabeth Elliot.)
My world at this point is to my family, my grandchildren and whomever
God sends to me. As I was walking and praying today the words of Brother
Lawrence came to me, "The time of labor does not with me differ
from the time of prayer; and, in the noise and confusion of the kitchen
where I am at work, While several persons are at the same time
calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility
as if I were upon my knees at the Blessed Sacrament."
(Brother Lawrence wrote in 1691)
So I guess if I could say what I am thankful for today, it would be
that the Lord has given me the gift of service. Guess what I got to
do today? My granddaughter walked two steps to me, with her
little arms outstretched into my arms. Isn't that wonderful,
I really believe, it really is a Wonderful Life.
Have a lovely, Thursday.
what a lovely, inspiring post! brother
lawrence and elisabeth are favorites
of mine.
i love that my labor and my prayer can
be synonymous, if my food is to do His
i also agree with you about the treasure
of friendship with adult children. the
difficult part is when we bump into the
parenting role every now and then. :)
Yes, I agree with you Lea, I think the very hardest thing in my life is to shut my mouth. To try and let of of the parenting part and try to remember how God has been with me. He lets me make mistakes. He does not shield me from my choices or eek!! the consequences. I think this is the hardest part sometimes of the role of Mothering. I am glad my husband is beside me to remind me to stay out
of it and mind my own business. :)
Thank you so much for your very kind comments.
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