This is me with my grandsons, Alex,
Jack and Tyler, and yes, we are all soaking wet.
I needed to take care of my chicks and clean the
cage. I thought, ( I am starting
to think this is very dangerous to do around my grandsons.)
I thought they would have fun helping Gama.
I took the chicks down and put them in the hen house, their
future home very soon, in fact as soon as it gets warm because
they are growing so fast, but that is a different story.
I came back up and got the cage and the hose and started
spraying and cleaning the cage. The boys wanted that sprayer
so very bad.
I of course got the bright idea to let them run under the ark of water
I wouldn't get them wet right? So I am singing London Bridge to them
and making the water fall down, which made them laugh, when I notice
that the dog is getting into their lunch. I turn my head
and I am still spraying water when Tyler screams and I have just
sprayed him with cold water in the head.
I drop the hose, and run to him and take my shirt and try to dry him off.
I then turn off the water, go in the house to get some towels to dry off
Tyler, totally forgetting how much Jack wanted that hose with the power
sprayer on it. As I am coming out the back door, Alex screams, and Jack
is laughing gleefully.
I run over to Alex and start drying him off with the towels I have brought
outside when I am getting drenched, I mean so drenched, I in my mind am
trying to figure out how on earth I am now in the swimming pool.
All of the Moms by this time are looking out the door, laughing their heads
off as I am trying to get the hose away from Jack I keep getting wetter,
and I am getting sprayed in the face so I start laughing as the girls
grab kids, and we get the water turned off. I had the girls get a picture
because I do love being a grandmother and I am so very thankful for
this wonderful gift, and I can laugh at myself.
Gosh is was cold.
Life is good, have a lovely Thursday.
I tried to tell Ben this story yesterday and I don't think he understood a word of it because I was laughing and giggling so hard.
That has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen. My kids are so evil. LOL!
I have laughed and laughed about it too. I was glad I wrote it out because Ron could read it because I don't think he would have understood either. I just wish it had been warmer it might have been really fun.
Thank you Kim
for adding me I will be adding you later tonight.
I love your site and your Bee's Ooooh wow!!!
We will keep intouch for sure.
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