I got those awards at the side of my page from
very sweet Kim at http://whitewhispers2u.blogspot.com/
so thank you very much and go for a visit and see her
very brand new and very handsome grandson, Ryder.
I was walking around and I wanted to see if the camera
I use could get a picture of these new leaves.
I liked it pretty well, I just couldn't get a picture of
the drop of dew hanging down from the limb.
I would like to buy a new camera but and I feel brave
today, but I want a wool cutter more. I really, and I
mean really like making hooked rugs. I would love
to make lots more, but a wool cutter would make it
faster than doing it with scissors or a rotary cutter.
So I got this bright idea. Now mind you, let me tell
you up front, my dear husband has already said,
go buy one. I thought well, worse than a wool cutter
I want to loose 30 pounds. So I thought to myself,
what if I got him to give me 10 dollars for every pound.
then I could earn my wool cutter and get skinny too.
So I have my little can with wool cutter written on it,
and I think I have lets see about 90 dollars in it. I cheated
a bit because I got some money the other day and I just
put it in the can, I think I have earned 40 dollars so far,
then on Friday morning I had to give ten back, because
I gained 7 ounces. I mean I am hard on myself.
Every time I look at something I want to eat, I say to myself,
wool cutter, wool cutter, and it works. When I am working really
hard chopping weeds and I want to give up, I say wool cutter, to myself
over and over. This is a Frazer.
#5000 Fraser Cutter
Remember the old Keds commercial that said, " Keds they make you
run faster, and jump higher." Well, that is what a wool cutter does
for me.
I figure by September I should be able to buy one. So that is my
confession for today. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.
It is baby day and Bible study day with my girls.
I hope it is a good day for you.
1 comment:
Hello Farm Girl.
I saw your comment over at Kims place http://WhiteWhispers2u.blogspot.com
I wanted to come by and say Hello and Congrats on your awards. I see she gave you an Award on new Grandma, the one that I gave her...It is nice that she has forwarded an award to you.
That is Kim for you, she is a total love bug, doll baby, sweetheart, and everything good comes out of her, there is not enough AWARDS created that she would deserve :)
PLEASE!!! :)
I need my photo's look as beautiful as yours.
I am going to start popping in on you, now that I have found you.
See you soon for more inspiration.
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