I cleaned house all day on Thursday so I could have
a nice day of Fiber Friday without guilt. My flowerbeds
are still under water so I can't work in those and my
garden area would still be mud, so I can sew.
Its just I am having a hard time trying to come up with
something I want to make. It is hard to change gears some
times, I have been in gardening mood for so long. Today
I was thinking about how sometimes it seems
like trials can go on for years and years, and then
one day they are over and to do life seems somehow
hard. I think it must be how a oyster feels with that grain
of sand, it lives with the rubbing and sanding until it makes
a thing of beauty. I think trials are like that, only right now
I feel more like a oyster who's pearl wasn't quite ready to
be with the other pearls.
I read this and I have been thinking about it today. " May
we not let slip any cross Jesus may present to us, any little
way of letting go of ourselves, any smallest task to do with
gladness and humility, any disappointment accepted with grace
and silence. These are His appointments. If we miss them here,
we'll not find them again in this world or in any other.
(Keep a Quiet Heart p.68)
"Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may
be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." (1 Peter 4:13)
I was thinking of how sometimes at the end of a trial, the tunnel gets the
darkest, when all the lights go out, it is then that it is the hardest to walk
by faith and not by sight. It is in those moments when I finally give up
my will and open my hands and say to Him, not my will but thine, I am
then free to trust God for everything. It is so hard for me to give up that
part of myself to Him. I have so many proofs of His love for me and never
once in 23 years has He ever left me or forsook me yet, I am like Adam and Eve
in the garden, I hide from Him. I have I think been using my work,
to hide. Even though it is Fiber Friday, I think for awhile I am going to sit and
listen "for the way I should go."
Happy Friday!
This morning when I logged on to my daily blogs, I saw you had not posted yet. That is very unusual since you post very early. My first thought was oh I hope she is ok, and then as my morning progressed, I thought oh, I hope she will post today! I just want you to know how much I look forward to your daily posts. They are so honest and from your heart and they are encouraging and real. Thank you for taking the time to do it, thank you for writing whatever the Lord leads you to. Because you do admit when you struggle, it gives everyone else encouragement because we all struggle!
Again, thank you for taking the time to post daily FarmGirl! May your day be filled with our loving Lord!
man, can i relate to the sand/oyster
sometimes it just takes a little stillness
to get me aligned to Him again.
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