This is one of my Silkie chicks. They are starting to
turn into teenager chickens. I was hoping for
a rooster to go with my silkie hen but with silkies
you have to wait until they start crowing. One of
the things I love about them is how sweet and kind
they are, not to mention the little peeps they make
when you hold them.

This is a Cuckoo Maran. I have wanted one
of these forever, I got three and I can't wait until
they start laying, because they lay the darkest.
brownest egg I have ever saw. She as well as
her sisters have the sweetest personalities.

This is a Silver Wyndotte. She is maybe my biggest
chick. She is going to be a very large hen, I liked
her just because how pretty her feathers are turning
out to be. She mothers all of the chicks and they run
to her when they are scared.

I know mothers should not have favorites, but
this is my favorite and I guess I hold her so much
she is okay with being held. She is going to be a black
silkie. When I got my first batch of chicks, I had a blue
silkie hen, I held her a bunch too. One morning, early,
I heard something in the hen house and as I ran outside,
I saw feathers all over the ground, and then it dawned
on me it was my gray silkie. She was gone, later that morning
I found her wing. I know it was only a chicken, but I was
really attached. Something broke through the wire in the cage.
All of my hens had some kind of damage. Now my pen
is like Fort Knox.
I enjoy my chickens more than I ever dreamed. I can sit outside
and watch them and I can spend hours just taking care of them.
I never dreamed that I would ever be so crazy about chickens.
My kids had chickens when they all lived at home, but I never
had much to do with them.
So I always wonder what on earth happened. Was it because
my two oldest got married 3 weeks apart and my nest was getting
empty too fast? I don't know but I know now I just love hanging
out with my chickens. What makes it better is having my grandsons
put their little hands in mine, and we go collect eggs and we stand
and watch them together, so what I thought was a empty nest,
became a better one filled with more chicks.
Have a wonderful Saturday.
Oh, I just love all these little faces! You know, a chicken's mouth turns down at the corners, like a horse's. Yet they never look mad.
Good evening Kim,
I wanted to stop by tonight and say hi, and to see what you have been up to this week. I haven't touched my computer since Monday. My dh thinks something is wrong with me, and has offered to take me to the dr. lol I just have been so busy with gardening and other adventures.
I enjoyed reading all of your posts, and it looks as if you have been busy too. I couldn't believe the photo of you and your grand boys. You are way to young to be a grandmother, that is one precious picture!!
Your sunflower is beautiful, and just this week, was at a seed rack myself dreaming too of all my herbs and flowers I was going to cut.
I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how your new chicks were growing, they are adorable. I smiled when i read of how you felt about yours, because today I was thinking the same about mine, and wanting to make a post, as I believe I have gathered a double yolked egg, and then I thought" Sue, how can you expect others to get as excited about chickens and double yolked eggs as you do?" LOL.
I have had chickens since we got married and never get tired of them, I can't imagine not being able to hear a rooster crow or a hen when she clucks. Like you I enjoy gathering eggs with our grandchildren.
I haven't posted this week, we have had a full plate all week. I have so missed not visiting every day.
Hope your Sunday is filled with many blessings,
OH Sue, glad you came by, I have been missing my girl who gives me such smiles and encouragement in my life. You have been so missed. :)
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