Our strawberries are starting to get ripe. I was thinking about
my favorite way to eat strawberries, I love them in a pie
shell, with cream cheese on the bottom, I like them
on Angel food cake, I like them on waffles,
and in strawberry jam. I think my favorite way though
is just picked and washed off in the hose, and popped
in my mouth. That is my favorite way to eat strawberries,
because then you can taste sunshine.

This morning, I was walking around with my camera,
I love contrasts, they make me think deep thoughts,
like in order to live, you must die like a grain of wheat.
or that if you want to live and I mean really live, you have to
pick up your cross daily.
God came to earth and lived as a baby, at the mercy,
his fallen creation. That one always gets me because He knew
what was in mans heart.
Walking around with a camera makes me think like that.
I find that the smaller my vision the more thankful I become.
"For all things are for your sakes, that grace,
having spread though the many, may cause thanksgiving to
abound to the glory of God."
(2 Corinthians 4:15)

Sometimes, when I am feeling like I want to be in a
different place than the place God wants me to be,
when I start telling God I know best, he reminds me
of things like this ladybug on this leaf. He has a purpose,
and what I do is important just as it is important
for this lady bug to be getting rid of what ever it
is that is to0 small for my camera to see.
I read this and it is another thing that makes me ponder.
"If obedience is what marks a man, it can be nothing
less than obedience that marks a real woman."
(The Mark of a Man, p. 134, Elisabeth Elliot)
I love this verse so much, " For this is the way the holy woman
of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves
beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah,
who obeyed Abraham and called him her master."
(1 Peter 3:5-6)
I sometimes wish I lived in a age where I could say to my husband,
"yes My lord," and I would not be laughed at, I remember one
time, my husband asked me to fix him something to eat, being who I
am, brought his sandwich to him, but as I handed it to him, I said,
" Here is your sandwich, my lord," The thing is it came out and I meant
it with my whole heart. He looked up at me with his mouth open,
and he said, " What is it you want? I will give you the world." It shocked
me to my socks, and I think it did him too.
There is something that putting myself in a position of a servant that
gives Glory to God, I think that is a very good way to have a Sunday.
Have a lovely day,
1 comment:
Hi Kim: the needle punch I'm using right now is an ultra-punch by Cameo. It has different size needles for different threads I have a large one for yarns. But I haven't used that one yet. Sorry I'm not much help, Nancy P.S. Your strawberries look delicious.
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