Sunday, March 6, 2011

Simply Sunday

This morning when I woke up the thought that was in
my mind was,


TexWisGirl said...

Love the wind, rain and sun - that all are needed to produce the beauty from within. :)

Jacque. said...

Thank you, Kim. I thank God for leading me here.

Kessie said...

Such nice verses to think about this nice Sunday.

Hey, that first picture, did you take it with the camera held up to the binoculars? That is such a cool idea! I'm totally going to have to try it!

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

what lovely pics you have taken. our trees are not budding quite yet.

Dawn said...

And a lovely Sunday to you.
Thanks for sharing your true.

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful thoughts this Sunday morning! Your comparison of the March winds to labor...inspired!
I am thankful that God chooses to see us through the sacrifice of Jesus.......forgiven, righteous, worthy of His love and grace. Thank you for the reminder of the greatness of our God and our desperate need for Him.

Kim said...

Your Sunday posts are always so lovely and thoughtful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Now when I hear the March winds I will think of this.

Sue said...

Awesome Word today Kim, and I am giving thanks today for you!.

Verde Farm said...

Beautiful post Kim--your words are always so inspiring to us and of course His words :)