Yesterday I changed my header picture to be a picture of
last years garden. I wanted you to know that that was how
it looked like last June in 2010.
I don't want you to think that it looks like that in 2011 so I went out
and took a picture this afternoon.

This is what it looks like today. Just dirt and a few
weeds. Nothing is planted yet. I don't even have my
beds laid out yet. I want too but my husband is still working
on the lawnmower.
Julia from Petals and Wool asked for some before and after pictures.
So here is one side of my yard this is a couple days after I started weeding.

Today, I finally wimped out and asked my son if
he would get the weed eater and finish the rest. I am
a perfectionist but I realized I am going to kill
myself trying to get it perfect so he buzzed it for me.

My husband will go into the neighbors pasture soon and plow
a fire break next to our fence so that will take care of the weeds
you see that are still there. I am terrified of fire. I have seen this
place burn before and I like there to be fire breaks.
I didn't take a before picture of the work I did yesterday.
I took one this morning. This is looking down our driveway
to the road. I hula hoed the whole length of the driveway.

I like it all clean when the Citrus trees start blooming.
The Avocado is starting to bloom too so I want them to get
as much water as possible and not share any with the weeds.
I only have tiny little seedlings growing right now under grow
lights so there is really nothing to show other than weeds.
I didn't want anyone to think I had this great garden already.
We can still get frost so I never plant anything until after Easter.
I have learned not to trust April when it comes to my garden.
My hand are so sore I don't think I could hold a needle right now.
I just wanted to show you how it looks, not at all like my last years
garden. Yet. :)
Have a Wonderful Thursday!
You are so funny--I was actually envying your pictures a few minutes ago and thinking--man her garden is in full swing already. Being the incredibly honest lady that you are--you exposed the dirt, veggie free garden. You are just an awesome person! Your son did a mighty good job on the weed eating-it looks wonderful. I am a perfectionist too and sometimes it can kill you. Could I borrow your son for a month? :) Can’t wait to see your citrus trees bloom!
Hugs, Amy
Oh if this post was for me I am laughing...you are truly a farm lady, and I am truly a city girl, with this small patch of land, two tomato plants, marigolds, rosemary, dill, garlic, one egg plant, three strawberry plants...do you get the idea of my small my garden. Your field and trees look wonderful...so I will enjoy watching yours.
I'm glad you finally got your son to help with those weeds! Save your hands! Plenty more work to be had in that garden later on! (And I'd be afraid of fires too. A fire break is a great idea...)
Kim, I'm so relieved that you got your son to weed wack those pesky weeds for you. I would still love you just as much if your grass and weeds would be as high as they can grow. You always work too hard. You could always get geese to chomp on grass and weeds.
Your bare garden looks so HUGE to me. You have so much ground to take care of but I envy you for having all those beautiful fruit trees. Avocados, I love avocados and we pay an arm and a leg for them here and now that the price of fuel is up the roof we will pay so much more for our imported fruits and vegetable and everything else.
I thought that I would throw that little complaint today. Hugs. JB
Loved the before and after photos, I am so glad you got your son to weed eat for you, I was a little concerned that you were over doing it. One perfectionist to another. LOL Your header is every gardeners dream.
At first I looked at your header picture and was amazed (and a little jealous). But now I know it was last year. You are such a tease! lol
Happy to hear that your son helped out with the weed wacker. That is too much to do alone and by hand.
My seeds arrived yesterday so maybe this weekend I can start a few sunflowers and daisy's in pots inside.
WOW..WOW...WOW....How much work you go to!! Your garden last year was really something, and this years will get there I am very sure. I am glad your son helped out too, I bet you little hands are sore after all that hoeing. You'll laugh when I finally put up the pics of my little patch of earth, haha...And I have a hard time with that!! Have a GOOD day, but don't over do...HUGS
BTW, I love seeing pics of your land and garden...love it!
I'm so glad you got him to weedeat all those weeds down. It looks so much more manageable now. I doubt they grow up so fast now, with the weather drying out. It all looks so nice and clean with the weeds gone.
haha it is amazing what one year or another can do! I hope you can start soon with planting!
and yes happy to have the weeds gone!
I didn't know my work was going to be featured on your blog! I'm glad I took the time to do a thorough job. Whew!
Wow Kim, just so much work that you have completed. I am so looking forward to seeing this years garden and then wishing we were neighbors so I might get a few of the extra tomatoes. lol
Your garden will get there sooner than you can dream.
I loved seeing last year's garden too.
Spring joys to you,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
My goodness.....you are a hard worker! I had been wondering why you were weeding so much by hand. Good for you about the weed eater....that's what they are made for! My daughter just asked today about planting tomatoes. I told her after Easter, too. We can't trust April here either. It always freezes one more time around Easter! Look forward to this year's picturse from your garden!
Your garden looks more like a nursery! Just beautiful... I love that you shared last years and this years photos. I'm going to start a garden journal posting once weekly on my blog now that things are happening even if it is underneath fresh fallen snow! Thanks for your entry!
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