Isn't this a cool rainbow? The rainbow looks just like it is in the corner
of my yard in the picture. It was just a perfect double rainbow.

This is the rest of the arch. We were having dinner when
it appeared. It was pouring rain and the sun was shining and it
was so pretty. I am so glad I got a picture of it.

As you can see I am still obsessed with water and taking picture
of it. I love water and how it looks in raindrops.
Remember the person who ran into my fence? Today on my way to
the library, I was sitting at a stop light and I noticed the truck right
in front of me. I looked at the license plate number and it was the same
number of the person who hit our fence. I wrote down the number to make
sure as I sat there. Then I got home and checked it. It was.
So as I sat there and stared at the back of his head, I noticed he had nice
ears and a nice neck and he looked like someone who worked hard for a living.
As I sat there I thought, " I could ram my car into the back of his truck or I could
follow him to where he is going or I could sit here and pray for him and pray for his
family and forgive and forget it. "
I let it all go and prayed and felt like I had a freeing in my heart and the light
changed and I went on my way a more lighthearted person.

Today was a sort of a weird passing of the baton for me. In the morning my son will
go up to the local college with my daughter to take his placement tests for next year.
I got his transcripts ready so he could take those with him. He
will be gone in the morning.
My youngest son, today, started taking his drivers training online so he can start
getting ready to get his drivers license.
I have wanted to sit and cry.
I am happy that they just take everything in stride, I am thankful that they
don't look back. It just makes me feel really alone some how. So in the morning
the house will be quieter and my nest a little emptier and I keep reminding myself of
how when I had little kids all day and I longed to put them all on the school bus
so I could have a little peace and quiet and the house would stay clean.
Now that I am here, maybe a few more chicks might help. :) Just kidding.
Just like life without the storm we might not get a rainbow. I know
God will have something even better around the corner for me to do.
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory,
are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."

When I would stand at my window watching the other mothers race
off to work or to the gym or wherever, I would remember this." Everything
about which we are tempted to complain may be the very instrument whereby the Potter
intends to shape His clay into the image of His Son."
I would pray that He would do just that. I am so thankful now as I stand here,
I staid the course.
Homeschooling for me has been about His transforming power in my
life so that I could reflect His glory. May the work of my hands as
they go out into the world bring glory to His name.
Thank you for the great post and lovely pictures!
Maybe the rainbow was a sign...
The rainbows are beautiful. I agree with Gail - I think they were a sign for you. Great new things are on the horizon for you (or at the end of the rainbow in the pot of gold).
It's new opportunities for you AND your son. It's exciting! Instead of being sad, think about the capable young man you have raised and equipped to go out in the world.
Hugs and smiles from me. Xoxo
GORGEOUS photos again, my dear. SO impressive! God blesses you in so many ways. I'm glad you put his trust in him as you are certainly receiving his grace every day.
3 things Kim...
First, the rainbows are stunning!
Second, I'm so proud of you for your reaction and choice to pray for the man who hit your fence!
Third, the empty nest... Yikes! I don't know anyone who doesn't feel it with deep emotion. But how wonderful it is that you have taught these kids, and now they can go out and begin a new chapter, just as you are. They will always be your family, but it still makes us feel sad that they are growing up. :( The emotions are a mixed bag, but mostly thankfulness for being their mom! :)
What great photographs of rainbows. I love rainbows, they are so beautiful. In the book of Genesis, the rainbow was a covenant with God that he would send a redeemer.
I've had four kids who are now ranging in age from 44 to 36 and I've never had a chance to feel the nest empty as my life has been so full and busy and it's still very busy even now. Too busy even...
Congratulations on a job well done faithful servant. And Kim, you are never alone, you have so many blogger friends who love you.
I think that now is a good time to take the time to pamper yourself and and to turn your attention to your husband since the kids are no longer home. HUGS. JB
Wow, that's so weird thinking they are going out and doing "adult" stuff. I look at our wedding pictures and still see "baby P and baby E". It's crazy.
And you are getting really good at taking pictures! I love these ones today.
Double rainbow all the way! It's weird that you saw the same truck that hit the fence. I'm glad you prayed for him instead. Besides, he didn't hit your fence--his psycho wife did.
And if empty nest syndrome hits too hard, I can gladly loan you some grandkids to take your mind off it! :-)
Your blog is always an uplifting place to visit. It is hard to see our children enter into the next phase of life and find our nest becoming empty....although it really never is empty they are in our hearts forever.
Beautiful pics of the rainbow.
So very beautiful, dear friend. I hear your heart...and I am so trying to get to the place where you seem to be.
Rainbow promise:)
The rainbow is gorgeous! And how wonderful that you prayed for the man who hit your fence. Now your heart can be free of any chance of bitterness....And as for the emptying of the nest. Such mixed emotions come with this. Pride, excitement, sorrow, nostalgia just to name a few. Things DO shift and change which can be somewhat unsettling, but eventually you settle into the next season and you will find it just as good in a differet way...Have a good day! HUGS
Kim, This is one of the most precious, heartfelt post you have ever written, I heard a mother's heart all through this. I remember when ours began to be this independent, as I knew this was their first steps of being on their own.
I was chuckling about you finding the Guy who hit your fence, and of your first thoughts, they would have been mine too. lol And then how you were led by the Spirit to pray for him,
And to send you a rainbow!!How awesome is our God?!!!
I always leave inspired.
This post is so full from beginning to end, which I feel is a reflection of who you are, a totally fulfilled person showing forth the glory of her maker.
Yea on praying and let going of the man and the fence. You will be forever blessed. I am sure I would have thought about bumping into the back of him also! LOL
Oh your younger ones going on with life and leaving the nest...the circle of life and how hard and exciting at the same time. You do still have a full household...more than I have at home, to keep you busy.
Home Schooling transforming you into His image...I can say that also...not always an easy thing to walk through and the results of all the years is still be seen.
The double rainbow...well that is what you pour out in this post...a double blessing to your readers.
oh goodness, i'm so glad you didn't ram
the truck. it reminded me of the parking
lot scene from "fried green tomatoes."
i pray the Lord sends extra grace as you
make these child transitions. it was very
hard for me, but now i am so happy. you
can do it, sister!
Double rainbow!
Really nice post. And seriously - a few more chicks couldn't hurt. lol
The rainbow is lovely! I, too, am proud of you for forgiving the man....that is the love of Christ in your heart.The enemy wanted you to stumble, but you avoided that trap! :-) An empty nest isn't so bad especially if the kids are still close by. And, like others have said, the Lord does open other doors of ministry. Maybe that's when you can write your book! :-)
Sweet post, Kim. I've been reading a book lately for those of us in "mid-life" and the author says life is just a series of divestitures. I like that -- it really says it all. The kids were never really ours to begin with, hard as that is to fathom when they're flocking around you, needing so much for so long. It sounds like you have been an awesome mom, and now you get to watch in wonder as your beautiful chicks go out in the world and soar.
love your beautiful blog:)
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