I worked in my flowerbeds again today. I found that my hydrangeas
are coming back to life. I was so happy to see these new leaves.
I have babied these things because I have wanted them for so long
and the only thing I have ever done is killed their predecessors.
So I am very happy to see it made it though the winter.

I found these tiny blue flowers in among the weeds.
That is what I love about spring and gardening is the
surprises around every turn.
I baked today. I have my freezer filled with last years
peaches so I need to quit hoarding them and bake something
so today I dug out this cook book.

I needed to get outside to work in my flowerbeds so I didn't
have a lot of time to dilly-dally, so this was perfect.
It is called a Dump Cake but it is just a really easy cobbler.
1 yellow cake mix
1 can(29 oz sliced peaches with juice.) *see note*
1/2 to 1 stick of butter or margarine (thinly sliced)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease a 9x13 inch pan. Spread half of cake mix evenly in bottom
of pan. Pour can of sliced peaches and juice evenly over the cake mix.
Cover the peaches with the rest of the cake mix, then slice butter
on top. Bake 50 minutes until golden brown.
*Note* I don't know if I could ever make the recipe the way it says
to save my life. :) I used my frozen peaches which were so frozen, I had
to hit them on the counter to break them in pieces. Then I had to bake
it about 1 hour. My peaches cooked down really well.*

My kids do like this blogging about food as they get to eat
the photo op leftovers. My daughter said she thought it was my regular
cobbler recipe so it is a easy and fast desert that I will be trying again.

I am putting this picture in for Janette today.
She has a blog called Janette's Sage.
I have joked maybe we were twins who were separated.
We have six kids, we have home schooled our kids over
20 years. We both had a hope chest growing up and the other
day she did a post called Stones of Remembrance and she
said she had a Fertile Myrtle Doll. I couldn't believe it
and she wanted me to post a picture of it so this is for her.
When you keep having babies the remarks that you get would
curl your hair. People say things that just should not be said. I mean
I would never say to someone, " Why don't you get a T.V. or things
like that. My Mom would not call me by my name but called me
Fertile Myrtle and so I have the doll.
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Today was "clean out the freezers" day and I noticed all the peaches I still have too... I need to use them up before the next crop, so I think this recipe is a good idea!
Oh Kim, glad your hydrangeas are coming back for a show. I love hydrangeas and have a few varieties here--mine aren’t coming back juat yet but soon. That peach dump cake looks fabulous--I would love a piece :) Fertile Myrtle is awfully cute!!
Hugs, Amy
Oh I just love it...you made my day!!! She is just beautiful and she is setting in front of the pillow I am working on also...I will have to finish my pillow. This is too funny.
Well the comments to us were "don't ya'll know what causes this?" My husband would laugh..."yes and we are good at it!"
Today we were both talking about how old we are going to be with our little Benjamin is graduating from high school, my husband turns 57 next month...Ben is 5! We both started laughing and just thanked God one more time for the joy of having our sixth!! He is truly more than we could have ever imagined...what a Gift from God!
Oh your hydrangeas...Please post them when they are blooming...I had to leave my behind and I was growing them to dry some.
My family would love for me to cook like you...if only I had your disciple and not eat it all also.
Thanks twin...so enjoyed this and seeing your doll!
I make a dump cake but instead of peaches, it calls for a can of cherry pie filling and a can of crushed pineapple. It's awesome too and easier than pie!
Haha... I hoard my freezer goods too:) Until one day I realize....I need to make room for the new goods:)
I have to get busy using up my blueberries. My hubby's bday is tomorrow, so I am making some muffins with them tonight. They are one of his favorites! My hydrangea is coming back, too. Hubby grew it from a cutting off one of his granddad's bushes. So, it is like an inheritance. Our gardenia bush came from my granddad's bush. So, it is special, too! Fertile myrtle doll...hmmmm, I've heard the expression, but didn't know about the doll. She is sweet!
I just loved loved this post, Kim,
I am in love with hydrangeas and had not had any luck growing them, I too was out in the garden and what did I see but my hydrangeas coming back, just a smidgen of green but enough for me to know they were still alive. Yay!
Love the story of fertile myrtle, so cute.
Enjoy your evening.
Oh how I love fresh peaches...that sounds soo yummy. I had a very similiar recipe that I made for years but I used spicy apple pie filling inatead. Soo good. I love hydrangeas too. My mom used to have beautiful ones. Have a nice evening! Hugs, Debbie
So glad your hydrangeas are coming back. Hurray!
After I had my twins I told my husband I was going to have cards made up to hand out that said:
Yes, they're all ours,
Yes, we know what causes it,
Yes, we have a t.v. set,
No, we aren't Mormon or Catholic, just passionate Protestants....
Anymore questions?
He told me that was a little mean...
and if you want to delete this comment for the same reason, I totally understand :-)
Enjoy your week!
ohboy...Fertile Myrtle...my husband used to say that, cuz we'd talk about having a baby and BAM...there I was pregnant! Only twice, though. whew. Love the photos and that cake is a MUST TRY! Thanks!
I can understand why you don't find it funny but Fertile Myrtle cracks me up. When I lived in another province for a few years my neighbor had 6 kids. She told me in that in the delivery room after #6, the doctor handed her and her husband a bag of clothes pins! Still makes me laugh.
I love peaches and make a mean peach pie but that cake looks easier.
Kim, I'm envious that you are still digging around the garden. No I take it back, lol... My head feels so crappie right now that I probably wouldn't dig out in the dirt even if the grass was growing. My nose would be constantly running when I put my head down to look at the ground.
Awww, I love peaches but I have to buy them at the store and your peach and cake combo sounds totally delicious. JB
Kim, I just notice the time difference. Here it's 12:06 noon time and it's only 8:06 at your place at your place. JB
Ahh, so it's called dump cake? I always wondered what in the world dump cake was. I just made a cobbler and pretty much had it for dinner. *shifty eyes*
I'm glad people get harassed about having lots of kids. This post and the comments on it have really encouraged me. I'm only on my third and people are starting to say stuff.
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