Last night, the company that my husband works for,
had a open house for clients, and employees and their families.
I was going to go by myself but when we told the kids at dinner, about
it they asked if they could go too and were so excited, I suggested that
we invite the rest of our kids and their families.
So we were at the open
house with all fifteen members of our family. When we decided to keep
having babies, we lost friends. Some because they thought we were nuts,
other due to the size and amount of children we had. We spent years and years
just with us and our kids. Which I love my kids and enjoy every single minute
I have with them and we took our jobs seriously. My husband left the leadership
in our church because we were so convicted by the verse that says,
"Those having places of authority in the church must be blameless, not lying under any scandal, watchful against Satan, moderate in all their actions, proving their ability to care for God’s people by keeping a Godly and well-governed household, holding the truths of the faith in a pure conscience.
So we came home and my husband became our pastor/teacher.
Last night as I looked at our children and grandchildren, I saw how
God has blessed us with way more than we ever gave up.

We went out to dinner afterward. As we sat at the restaurant.
With our table filled with little olive plants. I thought this is the
best years of my life. To sit and see how much God has done for us
and how much He has given us.

When I was in the midst of raising children I don't think
I ever thought much about what it would be like, to be this
age. What it would feel like to have grand children. I didn't know
what a deep feeling of fulfillment I would experience. I didn't know
that day by day and step by step my life would get to this place.
I read this quote once by Jackie Kennedy and it sums up pretty much
how I feel.
"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.

I am so glad because I feel like the early years of my life,
I did bungle my own life pretty good. That is why I can look
down the 3 tables they had to put together for us and they
still didn't have enough room. I am a very, very blessed woman.
I am so thankful for all of the givens today.
Have a lovely Friday,
It was such a lovely evening, and our clan is so wonderfully large! It was just tons of fun going out and doing something like that. I wish we could schedule more "clan" outings, like the fair or something.
Wonderful! I can feel your heart swelling from here. :)
Like that saying about "bungling your children".
Very true!
Your family, and the foundation they were raised upon, sound so lovely. I could picture all of you sitting and enjoy a true family meal with stories and laughter. Growing up as an only child I always envied the relationships and bonds of a large family.
Every once in a while you read a blog post that just soo shares what is in your own heart. This was one of them. Kindred spirits is what I call it. I don't remember thinking much about how it might be when my children were grown with children of their own some day while I was in the midst of raising mine either...I was SURE it would never happen, haha...What a wonderful, wonderful season in life this is isn't it?? Glad you were able to have this dinner. Have a wonderful week-end. HUGS
Last night was just perfect. It was so much fun seeing where dad works, and like I said early, just really awesome to have a big happy table of people in the restaurant that all belonged to us. :D
I had heard that quote before, but I didn't know Jackie O said it.It is definitely true! Sounds like you all had a great time. From the comments above, it is apparent that your kids are as happy about being a part of a large family as you are about having one! A few years ago, someone asked me if I would like to go back to when our kids were young. Without hesitation, I said ...no! I have loved and enjoyed my three at every age...babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and now as adults. I know I wasn't a perfect mom, but I don't have any major regrets. I am happy with the present and look forward to the future...more grands!! :-) Happy Friday to you, dear Kim!
your thoughts are very moving:)
Kim, how I enjoyed reading this lovely post....is there anything more rewarding than being a mother? You should be very proud of the wonder family you and your husband have created and nutured! I happened to view your daughter Meg's blog, she is one amazing and talented young women! Thinking of you.
Dear Kim, you are reaping what you sowed. You have a grateful heart so your heart is happy. That must have been a site to have the whole family at the restaurant.
My mom raised 17 children and she had so many grandkids and great grandkids, I've lost count. She was blessed too. It helps when the father is taking part of setting a good example while raising the children. If they feel loved and appreciated they will thrive. Hugs, JB
Well Kim you have just stated your "Stone of Remembrance" what an awesome sight. Hide it in your heart to pull out at different times and enjoy! Enjoy the season of reaping!
I always believe actions speak louder than words Kim, your family could have chosen to go anywhere else, but they wanted to be with you and your dh. I find this to be so awesome!!
I always love reading your heart... it is so pure, and I am so thankful to know you.
You both are now reaping the fruits of your labor.
sending much love,
Three tables? Praise Him!
I think that is awesome! I am glad you are enjoying the fruits of your labor! (guess there is a pun in there somewhere, having birthed 6 of those fruits!) Children are certainly a blessing from Him!
Bless your husband and you for having the conviction to follow God. I'm church shopping and I'm finding it difficult to find a church that's Bible believing and that Dave would be comfortable in attending. I'm so discouraged because he can't go to church right now, his health is just too bad, but I NEED church. I'm listening to radio preachers but it's not the same.
Goodness. TMI. But I'm not deleting -smile-.
God bless you and your family and that's a great Jackie Kennedy quote; she's so right.
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