is a stand filled with primroses. Every week when I walk
in the door, I stop and stare and want so badly to take them
home. I harden my heart and walk on past.
This morning as I walked past, I saw the sign on them
that said, 9.99 I thought no way would I pay that much
even if my body wants primroses.
I knew that later today we were going shopping at Lowe's
for some potting soil so I could start filling my pots so
I didn't think to much about primroses or their lack of a
Imagine to my delight when we got out at the garden of Eden
other wise known as the garden department at Lowe's.
But rack after rack of primroses. I bought these 4 at
98 cents each. Can you imagine the markup the grocery
store is getting on flowers.
I came home and I just had to put them in a pot and I sat
them outside so I can look out my kitchen window when I
am cooking dinner and feast my eyes on these flowers.
It was raining again by the time we were finishing up.
We bought 5 more blueberry bushes. Which brings
our count up to 10. Only 90 more to go. I would like
100 out there someday. The next thing on my to-do
list to plant is to buy 5 Avocados trees to buy next.
It was so muddy when we were planting the blueberry
bushes that we were up to the tops of our shoes in mud.
We have very sandy soil out here so it was so strange to have
mud like that so we have had more rain than I ever remember
having since we moved out here 10 years ago.
That is good though.
I hope you Monday is off to a good start.
Oh how nice to have a bit of spring, even when it's so rainy! I can't wait to get our plants in the backyard. We saw last night that some of our tomatoes have sprouted, so we're on our way! :D
Yay!! Tomatoes are nice, I saw people buying them yesterday. In the rain. :)
It wasn't a very cold rain. You can tell that these storms are off the Pacific and not Alaska.
I love your primroses. I can't wait to see them in person. You photo is very brightly colored. :-)
I think that is why I go crazy when I see them because they are so bright. They just make your eyes pop.
I can't wait for you to see them in person too.
Well, off to chop weeds for a hour or so.
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