We are back to Wednesday Words for Weight Loss.
I look forward every week to Patrice's questions.
For one thing sometimes they make me laugh out loud and they
make me think of things I maybe haven't thought of in a long time.
She has some good questions this week, so I want to get to them.
1. Is there someone in your town who makes you turn and walk the other way to avoid them?
Please, please, tell me I'm not alone.
Well, of course Patrice, when you live in a place where all of your family lives, I have been known to hide in a parking lot trying to avoid someone I know. :)
2. Have you ever tried juicing?
Yes, I had a juicer, but I gave it away just for the same reason your husband said. It was messy and I didn't like the cleanup. The only thing I did like about it was in the spring I would whip up a spring tonic with all kinds of weeds that were growing and mix it with beet greens and things like that and it was pretty good.
3. Do you feel better with long hair, short hair, or something in between?
I am in the process of letting my hair get long. I have wore it very short and very long. I think
it is better the length it is now as I can put it up or leave it down, the only thing is I have lots of hair and it never really dries in the heat and humidly, I am always afraid my neck might start growing moss. :0
4. Have you ever seen a large fireworks display in person? Yes, sitting in my front yard most years. People go all out around here. The most amazing though was the year we were at Sea World and we had just finished watching the Shamu show and they had fireworks over the big tanks. It was amazing.
5. What's the most unusual meal you have made?
Do you really want to know? When I lived at home and we would have lots of people over
when we would castrate the sheep, I would help my Mom fix lots and lots of things like that.
We would have Menudo and at Christmas we always fixed dozens and dozens of Tamales. Dad liked the kind made out of beef heads. Now though when I got married the most crazy thing I ever fixed was when we would go fishing and Ron would clean the fish and I would fry it
right away. That is about it. My Dad grew up in the era when nothing ever went to waste.
So we just grew up eating just about anything. My Dad was self employed so we ate what
he couldn't sell. Fruit too bruised so you just cut out the bad spots. Dented cans that were
taken off the shelves and the meat would be stuff that Dad scraped the green mold off first.
When I was a kid my fantasy was eating fruit that was perfect.
I want to thank Patrice for her questions this week. They always make me think.
molding neck and bruised fruit. i love hearing these things about you!
It makes us appreciate the things we have today to know of the past we came from, don't you agree? (I'm refering to your answer to #5) It was good to get to know you a little better with these questions. =D
Check out my recent posts….
40 Miles and Counting!
The Filthy Truth
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 5
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
My hair doesn't dry in the heat and humidity either unless I blow it dry---and who wants to do that when it's so hot and humid? LOL
Interesting answers as usual. You always manage to make me laugh; moss growing in your neck... lol You are a funny girl. Have a great day Kim.
interesting questions today!!!
short hair here......very short!!!
Where all of your family lives... Does that mean you hide from me?? ;)
You weren't kidding about Farmer Boy being full of food. Oh my goodness this book makes me hungry!
Sounds like our dad's were alot alike. I too used to resent some of our make do theology but I've since learned to see the gift it was to me. I am easy to please, and easily satisfied and I thank dad and mom for that.
I'm thinking that I pay way too much for moss to line my hanging baskets... if you can grow it, you could sell it. So go for the long hair girl!
Blessings, Debbie
My dear friend growing moss on her neck? I'd blog about it if I were you!
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