I did about as much cleaning as I could today. I did even
get my car washed. It crossed my mind about doing the school room
today but I knew if I did one more thing I would be a zombie.
I decided that stopping was the smart thing to do.
Morning Glories really like this weather. They are growing and
they just looked so pretty today.

I was looking for some Jack-Be-Little's to show you they
are such cute tiny little things right now but I couldn't find them.
I did come across this pie pumpkin turning orange. It made me happy,
that even though it feels like it will never happen, fall will come.

I am afraid the pictures from the roof didn't turn out
as well as I hoped. The house next door is where I grew up.
There is a older lady who lives there now. She bought it from
my parents. It always freaks me out that she is there alone.
She never has company. No one ever checks on her.
She doesn't like me at all. She wasn't happy when we decided
to build so we never got off on the right foot.

This is what I wanted you to see, wouldn't you know I wanted
a picture of the very busy street next door to here, and of course
there were no cars to speak of, then I wanted you to see all of the neighborhoods.
I live in the middle of neighborhoods in a little island of farms. We are in a little
tiny 80 acre section zoned for farms. Everything else is residential around us.
All of the people around us live in city but we are still in the county so we can
still live pretty free.

Across the road from me is like No man's land. When I grew up
here it was farmed but the land lost the water lease so there is no
water. It is owned by the refinery that is out there. The area is
full of capped off oil wells. When I was a kid the whole area was filled
with oil wells. When we first moved here it was so pretty and green.
That part always bothers me that it just looks like this now. It is posted
with no trespassing signs and is patrolled by security guards.

I did sit down and started planning my school year. That helps
so much to be able to sort of chart a course. My son did all of the
course work with my son who graduated this year so I am hard pressed
to come up with something new, that he hasn't had 5 times before. I played in
my mind of letting him graduate with his brother and starting college at 16 but
my husband thinks he needs time to be at home where he has time to be with me.
I can tell you I am relieved. I do enjoy planning a year of school.
That is what is happening around here today. I hope you have a lovely
rest of the week.
Yay!! A pumpkin!! Oh that's such a nice sight. I'm so ready for fall, can you believe it? I think my fall decorations are my favorite and I want to put them up.
kim....do you teach other children or just your own!!!
you are a cleaning wizard!!!
hang on to your farm island with all your might! sorry the elderly lady does not appreciate having you as a neighbor. she's missing out on a great friend...
That's a dandy looking pumpkin. It's funny because I was craving pumpkin pie tonight so I went to buy one.
How can that neighbor lady not like you??? Not surprised she has no visitors if she doesn't like a sweetie like you :)
Pretty morning glory's, all I have our leaves so far. I did plant the seeds a little late though.
you are so productive! i think you would be an amazing teacher, your kids are really blessed and I bet they know it. :)
Did you finish cleaning all your windows? Could you come over and do mine? Actually I have always enjoyed washing windows, please don't let on! Your morning glory is so pretty, I wish I had planted one to trail up my lamp post, however, it never got done and now it is to late in the season. Pumpkins and back to school, I am not ready for. How many children will you have in class this year? I would love to see photos of the classroom and hear what you will be teaching. I know you have very smart, talented, creative children! Thinking of you, your friend from Maine, Julie.
Hey Kim,
Ok, so I related with you on many levels in this post! First, I have an older lady that lives next to me that is by herself, and doesn't really care for me either. go figure. I always feel better having some sort of course charted out for school too, but this year I'm struggling. Seems like we just finished, and now I have to figure out curriculum again. What do you use..I use a hodge podge, but am still looking for something that works well for all of us. Lastly, your morning glories are beautiful, but I am not ready for Fall, we've barely had any summer here! It's been raining a lot!
God Bless!
Lisa ;-)
I have just one question....do you get on the roof often? ha! ha! The photos are nice, but I would rather picture you safely on the ground! :-) I'm so grateful you had loving women as teachers who really cared about you.It is wonderful that you still keep in touch... as special gift from God for you and them!
I love the pumpkin. My oldest son is planting pumpkins and he gave me a little "start" to nurse along until it is ready to go into the ground in a couple of weeks. He is soo enjoying his garden this year....Let's see if I can even get one in the ground...haha...Have a good day! HUGS
Oh Kim!!!! I got it! I opened my mailbox today and found a big box with MY name on it! I was so excited!!!! I had one of my granddaughters with me and she couldn't understand why I didn't open it as soon as we came back in the house. I set it on the counter and left it there unopened for one hour. I tried to explain the thrill I was experiencing of walking by the package and wondering what was in it but I don't think she understood. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer. I opened the box and the first delight I had a the fragrance of my most favorite candles (Yankee) enter the room! I took a picture of everything but don't know how to post it here. Is there a way? I wanted everyone to see your beautiful work! I can't describe them well enough but they are blocks of wood put together to look like a flag, a felt pumpkin with a REAL pumpkin stem and a darling little pillow that says BEHOLDEN in cross stitch, along with the candles. I LOVE THEM!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If there is any way to post the picture, I will. Bless you so much dear Kim!
Pumpkins and school? I still haven't harvested a single tomato, not one! Our temps are still high 70s, and occasional 80s with overnight dipping into the 40s. Fall is coming? What about summer?!
Loved your photos of the area. What a great gift you have right there in the middle of suburbia with you farmland!
Blessings, Debbie
Life is pretty short, too bad neighbors can't let go and just be helpful to one another. Sounds like you are locked into your home there. Thanks for letting us know the scoop.
Busy, busy! I like the morning glories so much.
I always like seeing a chunk of farm land in the middle of a city or town. Keeps us all grounded.
I don't know if you noticed, but in your picture of the oil field, you have a flying dove right in the middle of it. It looks almost symbolic.
I hope you get to rest today! I'm pretty tired today, myself. I just want to sit and stare at nothing.
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