I turned the calendar page to a new page. The verse for today
is, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
(Philippians 4:13)
The little thought that goes with it says, " God sometimes asks of us things that look
impossible, but they never turn out to be--- because God's command is always
His enabling."
I suppose you can think of all kinds of things that were impossible situations that
you made it through.
I know I can. I should sit down sometime and think of each one. The biggest
impossible situation I always put first on the list was when our twin grand sons
were born and they weighed barely 1 pound each. The night we went home
from the hospital the doctors last words were, " if they make it through the night."
"then if they make it through the next day, and on and on it went.

That was an impossible situation that now as they run around and want to go with
Grama to get "chicken eggs," I still find the gift of the impossible still so breath taking
and it makes me feel so much in awe of God's grace.
Well, I am in another impossible situation, though none so scary or awe inspiring.
But still impossible by my standard. As always I have taken it to the Lord and laid it
at His feet. Whether it is my desire and not His I don't know yet, it is still in the early
stages of waiting and praying for.

Sometimes I like being in this place, because I like to see mountains moved and
ducks line up in a row. I have as Gideon did, laid my fleece out and I will wait and
I don't even know if it is just a very nice dream and it is always nice to have dreams
to dream. I will though keep my eyes open to see all that God will do and I liked that
today is a day filled with dreams.
And you know what? Even if He says no to my plans I will still trust Him because as
I have learned, His ways are always best.
I hope you have a wonderful Monday.
oh, my. the grandson twins must have been terrifying and nerve-wracking and heart-wrenching. i hope this next prayer will be answered for you, but i love that you trust whatever the answer will be will be the best...
I'm glad He's in charge, not me!
Oh Kim I can soo identify with this post. Your right, it would be soo inspiring to hear all the stories I know we all have of the wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. Miracles really, like your grandsons...things that have taught us, that His ways are not our ways, but are ALWAYS the best. I will definitely join you in prayer here, that the Lord might grant you your dream, and if not, that He would give you His peace. Have a wonderful day! (I am really quite excited to hear more about this!)
Hehe, we watch the Gideon veggie tales all the time and it's a very nice reminder. Would you like to watch it? ;) What's going on? Is everything ok?
What an awesome testimony about your grandsons-that is a true miracle!
I, too, am in the same place as you. I feel at times like I'm jumping off a cliff and saying, "OK Lord, I hope your going to catch me".
Like you I look back at the many trials and victories the Lord has brought me through, as a reassurance that he'll do it again. I haven't always gotten what I wanted, but I've grown from them.
I will be praying for you as you have put your fleece before God. And that you will receive a definite answer. And peace about that answer.
This was on my little calender for today:
Isaiah 30:18-19 Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! People of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.
At least it's a nice thing we're praying about, instead of a horrible life-threatening thing.
Yes and Amen...nodding my head and I don't need to add anything or comment more, you have said it in full!
Oh Kim... you have a dream a dreamin'? I too will pray often throughout the day for God's answer...
Blessings, Debbie
Oh oh, I don't like it when you are struggling with a problem. I hope that your "impossible" turns into a blessing in disguise. You always find the bright side of everything so I hope this works out too.
to dream the impossible dream!!!
miracle's are everywhere....you just have to open your eye's and your heart!!!!
Now wonder woman, you got me all curious about your big dream. I hope that God says YES to your dream. God's power is awesome and he's as gentle as a dew drop on a petal. Have a great week my friend. JB
Praying that God will give you peace as you trust in him.
I just love how you word things...it always touches a cord in me. I hope that you find trust in the waiting and peace in the outcome. It's true that we will always have "trials" in our lives...but maybe as we get older, we begin to see a rhythm emerge, and know that God has a good plan for us!
I'm in the same place with the selling of our house... is it just a dream or is it God's timing? Guess we will see! :-)
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