Did you know that it has been so hot this week where I live
that by the time I get out to my garden the Morning Glories
are closing up? The sun is barely up and the Morning Glories
have decided that they have had enough of the sun.
Even closing up I love the striped pattern on the petals.

I planted six new rows of sunflowers on Sunday morning
and Monday morning. The ground is so warm the seeds were
already coming up yesterday. It took two days. It makes me
happy that sunflowers like the heat.

I worked in my front flowerbeds today. For three hours.
I was working away with my headphones on because when
I start getting tired if I put on music I can go another couple of
hours. The humidity is high, well for here, and by 8:30 this morning
it was already 90 degrees in the shade. I was dripping wet, with sweat
and mud and you know how you look when you are working really hard.
When I hear a voice say some thing to me. I thought it was my daughter,
telling me that she was going to school, you know how with the music blaring
and headphones in it is hard to tell where someone spoke? I looked up at the
front door and no one was there. I heard the voice again, and I started ripping
ear buds out of my ears and pulling my gloves off looking around for the voice.
Standing in the shade behind me is a young girl with a sun hat and she looked
like you know how pretty young girls look working on her college break.
She had her meter reader contraption in her hand. " She was asking if I had a dog."
I looked around and I said, " A dog?" She said, " yes, do you have a dog that will bite me?"
In my mind, I think Sasha? Bite anyone? I said, " I had already put her in the house."
I told her where the meter was and turned around to finish working.
I was also doing laundry today so I took my shoes off and came in the house and
did the whole transfer thing and folded a load and went to get my water bottle.
I walked into my bedroom and caught my reflection. I jumped. I scared myself.
My shirt was completely wet with sweat, I had dirt stuck in my eyelids and in the
bends by my elbows. Even my shorts had sweat stains on them and where my socks
stopped I had mud and my socks were black.
I thought, Oh my gosh, what in heavens name did that poor girl think when she saw me?
Did I scare her to death. Did I look like one of those characters that I think of sometimes
that go in and out of my memory?

Today though, I am writing this on Thursday before Friday.
I am going to spend Friday having a sewing day. I haven't had
one in awhile. I never made my new grand daughter a baby quilt
for when she was born. It hit me that I will have another new
baby in the spring so I need to get one made for Claire or
I will get behind.
So I hope your Friday is a nice one. We might get a break
the weather might be in the 90s instead of the 100s.
I do love Friday's
And, that is why I don't like to work outside! hahaha...seriously. But, am sure that the girl could tell you were working hard, so am thinking she's probably seen much worse. Have a great sewing day tomorrow! Can't wait to see the baby quilt.
Maybe she thought YOU were going to bite her? Hehe. Gosh I don't know how you can work in this heat. In warmth is nice, but it's been so stinkin' hot. At least your flower beds are getting done. I think I might join you in spirit for a sewing day tomorrow! :D
we did yard work late this afternoon, as the sun was setting, it was so humid here in new jersey today. i can only tolerate the heat if i am in the pool.
i love your new header picture, i don't think i have ever seen a hummingbird nest!!
thanks for sharing it!! have a wonderful friday!!!
Also - I should probably find out my due date and give you a huge heads up so we don't have any more "1 week late cuz we're waiting for gama to finish my blanket" incidents... ;)
Dear Kim, you my friend have been accomplishing so many wonderful projects, I love them all! Your gardens, just lovely. How I wish you lived closer to me, I certainly could use a little inspiration! We too are dealing with heat and humidity, but I dare not complain. I have so enjoyed catching up with your past posts, I just love that wonderful, talented family of your's. How wonderful for you to have another grandchild on the way, you are blessed. Sending greetings from the balmy State of Maine..Hugs.. Julie.
is that a hummer nest in the header?! SO neat!
i'm sure that meter reader person has seen MUCH worse than you!
Dear Kim, you haven't lost your touch. You probably looked just like I do every time I work in the garden, lol. I wear a sun hat to work in the garden and my hair gets all wet and I get dirty too pretty well the way you describe how you looked. Even worst because I wear my big steel toe rubber boots that I wear in the barn. I'm such a site.
I can't work outside in extreme heat unless I have some shade. I'm almost done weeding the garden and the soil is powder dry even though we had a good downpour on Monday.
Thanks so much for posting that humming bird nest. This is the very first time I see one. I think that we have lots to learn from nature. Just amazing. Hugs
I hope that your garden gets some rain soon and that temperatures cools down. Hugs. JB
Well, so that is what the picture in the header was. Like most of the others I haven't ever had the blessing of seeing an actual hummingbird nest, although I must have seen a picture of one before.
The whole time I was reading about how dirty you had gotten, I was thinking about how great the shower you would undoubtedly be taking would feel.
The meter reader may or may not have seen worse, but I doubt you scared her. Ladies with ear buds use their garden tools in their beautiful gardens...
How exciting to find out you will be sewing tomorrow. And another grandchild... it certainly is easy to get behind on quilts. I'm embarking on my second round of cousin quilts. Will be blogging about them next week. But taking on 3 child bed sized quilts at the same time is just pure crazy! So you have fun and I will too. Jo
How I'd love a sewing day! It would be such fun together. Never mind the 3000 miles in between:)
I hope you have a wonderful day and a great weekend.
Nothing like getting totally filthy while gardening. It makes me feel like a kid again. Funny story! Love the hummingbird's nest...way cool!
Funny story and I love your morning glories!
Oh Kim...HAHAHA...I can just imagine the whole thing in my mind. I am sure you just looked like the HARD working gal you are. : ) Enjoy your sewing day. Can't wait to see that quilt! How fun....Have a wonderful week-end, and let's hope it is cooler for sure! HUGS
"The ground is so warm the seeds were
already coming up yesterday. It took two days." Grrrrrrrrrrr LOL
Hmmmmm. Maybe I should do a little weeding.
Oh kim, you totally made me laugh! Now if I had seen you instead of just hearing the story I may have been terrified. But hearing it was just funny... :)
Enjoy your sewing day. Sounds like the right thing to do in that miserable heat!
Blessings, Debbie
I LOVE sunflowers. I grew some last year and forgot all about them this year. No worries, I'll just enjoy photos of yours!
Hey friend! Another story to make me smile! We are going to the beach next week for our annual family vacation and that's about how I look on the beach.... Sweaty, sandy, hair plastered to my head! My family is used to it and I won't know anyone else there, so I try not to care! :-) Your flowers are beautiful. Hope you are accomplishing much on your sewing day. I want to make something for our new baby. I thought of crocheting a blanket, but I'm not sure I have time to get it done. How do you make your quilts?
Can't wait to see what you create!! Have a good weekend.
I had to check your daughters' (in-law) blogs right away to see who the lucky mommy is! Yahoo! Congratulations, Grandma! What a blessing. :)
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