You know it wasn't until I took this picture off my camera
did I see that this sunflower is in the shape of a heart. The flower was
way above my head so I had to pull the flower down so I could take a picture
with one hand and hold it with the other.
I did manage to get some rug hooking in this week. I have been rereading
my rug hooking books and they keep talking about practice, practice, practice.
So I found a few of my early beginner rug hooking books and they are called
Mug Mats. So I made these this week. I get to practice on making my loops
and pulling and trying to see what colors work and what don't. Not to mention
I cannot for the life of me make letters. I rip out and start out over and over.
I will get this someday, but for now I will continue practicing.

I think my best attempt at letters was just this rug with
CAT written on it.

My PUNKIN words don't really look like words, in fact
my daughter said to tell you it was Chinese Characters for the
word Punkin.

She also said the word Crow, looks like fox. Then
the last one I decided to change at the last minute and
did it with an Oxford Punch Needle so my words are backwards.
I am still such a rug hooking newb. It is okay though, I love it so much.
I love having a wool cutter that every time I use it I am mesmerized.
I just love watching those wool strips, perfect wool strips come out each time I turn the crank.
This is my next little rug.

My dancing chicken. I was sitting drawing out designs for
a chicken I had in my mind. My husband walked in and started
laughing so hard at my attempts that I gave him the pencil and
told him to draw it himself.
So he did. He even drew it on the cloth for me. He made three others
that I plan on making into a larger rug. I loved the little chickens. They
make me smile every time I look at them.
I hope that I can hook them well enough to do them justice.
I would be hard pressed if someone asked me which thing that I do
do I like best, I really don't know. Do you know who William Blake was?
Well he has always been a source of inspiration for me. I have always admired
his writing, his poetry, and his engravings and art. He did lots and I have always
thought I would like to be like that in that I attempted lots of things.
In the back of my mind is that goal. Also, to be like Winston Churchill,
and Never, never give up.
I hope you are having a lovely Saturday. We are supposed to have thunder showers
in the mountains around us, but there is a nice breeze. It may get hot later, but for now
it is a lovely day.
Blessings to you and yours,
give that hubby a squeeze from me for that cute little dancing chicken! :)
I love the crow!
I've wanted a crow rug for the kitchen for a long time, but can't find one in the colors I want. Maybe it's time to take up hooking..er..rug hooking.
How multi-talented you are.
I didn't know you were a hooker. I have a frame I bought almost 3 winters ago with visions of taking it up again. It's still sitting on my closet shelf. I do have half a dozen totes full of wool though, should I ever get ambitious again.
I think I'd have your DH do all your designs. He has a knack for the whimpsy, I think. Can't wait to see the finished chicks.
Enjoy your weekend!
I love the little mats. I agree that letters are hard. I'm just about finished with a fairly large rug and I still feel like I'm practicing...only with big things! It's a wonderful craft though! Glad you're having fun. The chicken is great.
Dad laughed at you?? At least he made up for it by drawing chickens for you. They're very cute, too. We've been sitting outside in the nice cool breeze, but it dropped and it's getting quite warm out there.
we had lot's of thunder, lightning & rain last night and it's very hot today. i am soooo happy that everything got a good soaking last night, we really needed it!!!
i love the heart sunflower, there is a link on thursdays, random hearts, you could link it with!!
wonderful work...I could read cat.
Gotta say it's a heck of a lot better than I could do! And I like it! I would love to try hooking rugs but I have so many other unfinished projects to hide...er, finish, first. LOL
Never tried hooking rugs, I like your little mats, lookingh forward to seeing your chicken project
Ok, I'm laughing because I have 1 unopened sprout and YOU can grow heart shaped sunflowers ...... It's just not fair! Hehehe
I agree letters are difficult but your little mats are so cute. I have to admit, I thought punkin was Chinese symbols too. :)
But your husbands dancing chicken is HOT. Love it.
Well I think your rug hooking is terrific. It sounds difficult to me. Love hubby's chickens.
I hope to take a class in rug hooking this winter. Your husbands hen is adorable. Looks like someone has a little primitive art expertise. Love it!!
Oh I love these...they are great. You do a wonderful job...your hubby sounds too much like mine at times I get tickled. Mine can draw...I can't ....but I am sure your chickens looked better than mine. Now after I get this house in order, do all my sewing, then I am going to find some hand sewing to do...I wonder if I can remember how to smock?
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