Three years ago on July 17th I entered the world of blogging.
I shook so hard before I pressed that publish post button.
It felt like jumping off a cliff more than anything else.
I really hoped no one would read it.
In those three years I have published725 posts. I have
114 lovely followers. I have had 40,785 page views
and last month I had 3134 visits.
Not to mention I have made the most wonderful friends
and have so enjoyed being a part of your lives.

Blogging has changed my life. It has made me attempt things
I might not have even tried if not for the encouragement I receive
on a daily basis. When I saw those signs in blogland that said, " will
blog for comments," I wondered what that meant. Now I know.
I know that leaving or receiving a comment means that you are not
alone and some one came by to read or look at what you have
been doing and it brings its own sweet aroma of grace to life.

As a way of saying thank you I am doing another giveaway.
The hardest thing about giveaways for me is that I can't give
everyone a gift because I would like that best.
So I will pick a winner on July 29th. I guess you might want
to know what you will be winning. Now this is the hard part.
I have posted all of July stuff I have made. I will be putting things
like that into a give a way.
I am in the process of making new things for fall so I will put some of
those things in as well.
So just leave a comment and I will put your name in hat and have
someone draw a name.

I wanted to say thank you for all of your friend ship and
support. You really have given me such a wonderful gift.
Thank you,
Congratulations, Kim! I agree with you. Blogging brings out the best in all of us, doesn't it? I am blessed by so many kind peoples' willingness to share their lives. Like YOU! I'm so thankful that I found you. Keep posting. We'll keep reading. LOVE!
Congrats on your anniversary!
I can relate to the whole shaking thing. I felt the same a month ago when I started my blog.
It has been such a positive experience-I love it!!
I am becoming a follower today! Stop by and check me out!!
oh, congratulations to you on 3 years!!! and congratulations to US for a chance at a giveaway of some of your wonderful talents!
Congrats on those years!!!!!
I bet it flew by.
Is that a MELON"?!?!
I so agree with you... blogging has been such a big blessing to me as well. God has used it to formulate my own thoughts and express my heart, and to have so many like minded friends out there... it's a joy!
I of course don't want to win your giveaway since you give me all of the nice stuff you make. But I just wanted to say: Holy sheep, 3 years already?!?! Gosh. I doesn't seem like it's been that long.
Thank you for the reminder of how important receiving comments is to bloggers. Even tho' I read your blog every day, I rarely comment. And yet every post you write touches my heart. I either have a smile on my face or a tear in my eye after reading them. You have such a sweet gift of expressing events in your life. Thank you for taking the time to bless so many hearts!
Just found your delightful blog from To Everything a Season! Please enter me in your giveaway, and I hope to be back again soon. I LOVE your sunflower photo!
Well congratulations to you....WOW!!! Look at how much you have written. Don't put me in the give away...each visit here and visits from you to my blog is my gift always! I have loved the year I have been following you and getting to know you...seeing your heart and hearing my heart spoken so many times through your words.
Blessings and continue to blog!!!
I would like to be entered in. I have been reading your blog for over a year. I really enjoy it. Congratulations!
Happy Blogiversary!
I've only just found you, but congrats on many years of blessing others (and being blessed).
happy blogversary to you kim, so happy to have found you!!
you always share wonderful, heartfelt stories & amazing photo's.
I had the same scary feeling that first time I clicked the publish button on my first post. But now I am so glad we both overcame our fears and got to know each other. Congrats on three years! I have to check mine now, I think my 2 year is any day now.
Congrats on 3 years! Wow, time does fly! Blogging has brought me many great friends, too. It's amazing, isn't it?
Congratulations!! I especially enjoy looking at your beautiful pictures of "paradise"! :)
Congratulations on your blogversary, I hope you have continued upward readership and find more new friends!
Congrats on the three year mark. I have so enjoyed finding your blog and reading your posts. You always manage to "hit the nail on the head" for so many different things. And you do it in such a thoughtful and touching way. I leave thinking a bit more deeply and I'm always comforted! I agree that blogging has been a blessing. The connection I have felt from this community has been wonderful. Thanks for having a lovely giveaway to celebrate!
Have a good Sunday!
My one year is coming up and I felt just like you that very first time! And I feel like you do about the friends out here in the blogerverse! So many wonderful folks!
I would love to win any of your wonderfully made items! What a terrific way to celebrate!
Oh I know just how you feel. How it has blessed me to be a part of this blogging world. Opened up the gates for soo many wonderful people to be a part of our lives. I just love it. I so enjoy your posts and hearing about your farm, kids, grandkids, home schooling etc. I look forward to many more years. HUGS to you, Debbie
Three years! Congratulations! I just started in January, and I am so grateful for the experience and the new friends!
I love your pictures! Come by and visit me at Home in Douglas!
Wow, those are really impressive stats! Don't count me in the drawing, you give me enough stuff already. :-)
Happy Blog-a-versary! Since I won your last giveaway, but I won't enter this, but I wanted to stop by and give you a hug!
I just recently found your blog. Congratulations on three years blogging
(I can idenify with that feeling you described the first time I pushed publish)
Looking forward to reading more
Congratulations Kim on three years anniversary of blogging. It's hard to believe that you've been at it for that long. Now on to your fourth year.
I remember my first time, I felt like I was totally insane to even try. I didn't know how to even go about it but it all felt into place.
I'm so glad that you have become a wonderful friend to me. Thanks. JB
Congratulations Kim! I have so enjoyed finding you and making friends, you will never know what a joy and pleasure it has been for me to get to know you, may you have many anniversaries in blogland, and oh how right you are about blogging changing our lives.
Much love,
Congrats to you. Just think how many you have blessed over those 3 yrs. as well!
Aren't you sweet to have a give away?! Three years is quite a milestone. Congrats! So glad we found each other in the vastness of blog land! :-)
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