I was thinking as I was washing the fan blades, that if you
were coming for a visit I would be cleaning for you just like this.
I would have everything done and we could sit and visit and
we could have tea and it would be so nice to get caught up
on your life. That was what I thought about as I went
through your blogs in my mind and prayed for each one of you.
I think that is why I enjoy washing windows, my mind is free to
think and so it becomes my place of worship, on a ladder.
Though I will admit to writing news headlines in my head too.
Like when coming down off the ladder my foot got tangled in the
blind string. The headline read, " Mom falls through window after falling
off ladder."
Or Mom bites the dust after not moving ladder closer to the window and
reached to far." You know things like that.

I thought if I showed you how it would be if you came over for a visit.
No one uses the front door. Everyone comes in the side door, into the dining room.
So when you walked in this is what you would see. That door way down at the very
end is our office/sewing room/ hang out room. The picture of the sunflowers
was painted by my daughter, Emilie just for me.

I took a picture so you could see all of the windows in the front.
After living in a very dark house with no windows, I love each and everyone.
I just wanted to add that when I was washing windows the thought came to me,
this isn't my house. It is God's He has been gracious enough to let us live here.
I do sometimes get very grabby and want to keep it all to myself but it is His and
as long as I remember that my work is unto Him I am okay.

Today was much harder to make myself get on the ladder.
I am sore and tired. I cleaned the blinds yesterday, I didn't do
that today. I still did the fans and washed walls and did wood work and
vacuumed. I really wanted to sit in these chairs in the shade
and drink water.

This is one of the outside lights in the front of the house.
I would have liked to had old oil re-purposed oil lamps but
they were so much and I needed so many of these there was no

I think that this is the highest traffic area in the house.
The posts had little tiny finger prints just at the low level.
Where little fingers grab to climb the stairs to get books or
visit aunts and uncles. They think upstairs is a magic place.
You can sort of see the french doors looking the other way
to the dining room.

I thought I would show you a picture of my room.
My furniture is my parents old stuff they bought brand new
when I was four years old. I will maybe keep it forever now.
It is very well made and I have looked at new stuff but
nothing is made as solid as this and you know it might
come back into style again. It is a very nice bedroom.
I have never slept as good as I do here.
That is my tour for today. I have the upper story to do
tomorrow and I will take pictures from the roof. It looks pretty
neat. It won't be what you expect. It is a secret.
I also have the garage to do which I do on the day as upstairs.
I hope you have enjoyed this tour. It has been so much fun giving you
a look.
Blessings from me to you,
Aw, such a nice tour. I hope you don't fall off a ladder and break yourself, I worry about that every year. Be careful up on the roof! Maybe tie a rope around your waist.
What a wonderful porch you have! And your bedroom is so big and bright. I love the picture...your daughter is gifted for sure! You certainly are industrious! I've been cleaning woodwork, too.... and light fixtures and baseboards. I like the way it looks but it sure tires me out! Thanks for the tour, but I would like to come visit some day and see it in person! :-)
you are just too cute. laughed at your headlines, but do be careful, please! you are such a sweet soul!
I love that you think about us and pray for us as you're doing chores. What a good soul you are! Then, I'm in awe that you're doing windows. Although, with this new house of ours, we can actually do the windows without too much serious incident! Your daughter's sunflowers are so wonderful. It looks super there!
Be careful out there in window washing world...
Your home is beautiful! I think I'd be tempted by those rockers in the shade too--and they probably would have won!
Loved touring your house with you - it's beautiful. Before I finished reading I stopped to look closer at the sunflower picture. Then I read that Emilie made it. Wow talented lady! Love it.
Your headlines cracked me up. Be careful.
Lots of light from those windows, beautiful. Be careful on that ladder
You are industrious! You'll need a hot bath! I love all the light in your house. Windows are worth all that, huh? Be careful.
What a lovely home you have made for you and your family. I also admire how you are always busy. I don't mind washing windows, clean windows brighten the whole house.
I love seeing where you live, love and create. Thank you so much for showing us so much of who you are.
I loved the tour. The first thought was "Who painted the sunflower"? And you already answered it. She is very talented-what a treasure.
I can see now why you decided to stay were you are. I'm glad I don't have to wash your windows though. It looks like there are lots!
Thank you for the prayers you lift up to the Lord on my behalf. That is so special to me that you take time to consider your friends in blogland.
I'll be back to see the rest of the house and please don't fall off the ladder. I don't want to be hearing about it on the news!
It looks just like I thought it would... country, and homey, and well cared for. I noticed 3 chairs outside. Who else is coming? There's you, me, and ? :)
Blessings, Debbie
i love your home....i think you are the energizer bunny!!!!
You have a lovely home!
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